加强农村少先队工作 服务社会主义新农村建设

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围绕“服务新农村建设,培养新农村建设者”的主题,落实抓基层抓落实的要求,大力加强农村少先队工作 1.切实加强农村少先队的组织建设。要认真贯彻落实团中央、教育部、农业部等八部委《关于进一步加强少先队工作的意见》的要求,从实际出发,细化并落实相关政策,为推进农村少先队工作营造良好环境。健全县级少工委,大力加强县级少工委的能力建设,把县级少工委建成农村基层少先队组织的指挥部、动员部、保障部。适应乡镇机构改革和农村教育资源逐步整合的要求,积极加强乡镇(学区)中心校少先队组织建设,按照有组织、有阵地、有活动、有队伍、有机制的基本标准,健全中心校少先队大队,充分发挥其在区域内的示范和带动作用。根据各村小和教学点少先队员数量的多少,相应组建少先队大队、中队和小队,努力把全体农村少年儿童都吸收到少先队组织中来,并引导他们积极参加少先队的活动,在组织中受到教育。 Focus on the theme of “Serving New Countryside Construction and Cultivating New Countryside Builders”, implement the requirements of grasping grass-root units for implementation and vigorously strengthen the work of rural Young Pioneers1. Earnestly strengthen the construction of rural Young Pioneers. The requirements of the “eight ministries and commissions on further strengthening the work of the Young Pioneers” of the Central Government, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture should be conscientiously implemented, and the relevant policies should be detailed and implemented in light of the actual conditions so as to create a favorable environment for promoting the work of the Young Pioneers in rural areas. We will improve the capacity building of prefectural and prefectural work committees, strengthen the construction of county-level youth work committees in the headquarters, mobilization and safeguard departments organized by the grass-roots Young Pioneers in rural areas. To meet the requirements of the reform of township institutions and the gradual integration of educational resources in rural areas, the Pioneer Corps of the Central School of Township (School District) should be actively strengthened in order to improve the organizational structure of the Pioneer Corps in the township (school district) Give full play to its exemplary and leading role in the region. According to the number of young pioneers in the villages and teaching points, the Young Pioneers Brigade, Squadron and Squadron should be formed accordingly. All rural children and adolescents should be absorbed into the Young Pioneers’ organization and should be guided to actively participate in the activities of the Young Pioneers and be educated in the organization .
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