~(125)I-interleukin-8 radiolabelling and in vivo distribution

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f_mei520
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To study the radioiodinating condition of interleukin-8(IL-8) and observe its biodistribution in mice for understanding the possibility of its application in nuclear medicine, we labelled IL-8 with 125I using Bolton-Hunter reagent, and the distributions in mice at 5 min, 30 min, 1h, 6h and 24h after injection of 125I –IL-8 were measured. The blood clearance curve was obtained and fitted with the two-compartment model. The results showed that 125I-IL-8 was obtained with a labeling efficiency of 12.2% ±6.5% and a radiochemical purity of 91.4%±6.5%. Its spe- cific activity was 14.8 kBq/μg IL-8. A fast phase half – life T1/2 of 0.32 h and a slow phase half – life T1/2 of 8.01 h α β were calculated from the blood clearance curve. The uptakes of radioactivities in kidneys and lung had the peaks of 85.87%ID /g and 16.17%ID /g at 30 min after intravenous injection, respectively. The uptakes in liver and spleen were 12.05%ID /g and 8.97%ID /g as the maximum at 5 min after injection. The clearance in blood and other organs was fast. Except for kidneys and lung, 125I –IL-8 was less than 1%ID/ g 24 h after administration. It is concluded that radioiodinated IL-8 is a promising radiopharmaceutical in nuclear medicine, especially for imaging infection. But to enhance the labeling efficiency of radioiodinated IL-8 and to decrease its in vivo deiodination are the subjects neces- sary to be further investigated. To study the radioiodinating condition of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and observe its biodistribution in mice for understanding the possibility of its application in nuclear medicine, we labeled IL-8 with 125I using Bolton-Hunter reagent, and the distributions in mice at The blood volume curve was obtained and fitted with the two-compartment model. The results showed that 125I-IL-8 was obtained with a The labeling efficiency of 12.2% ± 6.5% and a radiochemical purity of 91.4% ± 6.5%. Its spellcific activity was 14.8 kBq / μg IL-8. A fast phase half - life T1 / 2 of 0.32 h and a slow phase half The lifetakes of radioactivities in kidneys and lung had the peaks of 85.87% ID / g and 16.17% ID / g at 30 min after intravenous injection, r espectively. The uptakes in liver and spleen were 12.05% ID / g and 8.97% ID / g as the maximum at 5 min after injection. The clearance in blood and other organs was fast. Except for kidneys and lung, 125I-IL-8 was less than 1% ID / g 24 h after administration. It is said that radioiodinated IL-8 is a promising radiopharmaceutical in nuclear medicine, especially for imaging infection. But to enhance the labeling efficiency of radioiodinated IL-8 and to decrease its in vivo deiodination are the subjects neces- sary to be further investigated.
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