留下 是为了更好地离开——致复读生

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每年高考后,都有相当一部分考生选择了复读,原因大概有三种:一种是对录取的院校或者专业不满意,这部分学生中有不少是高分考生;另一种是平时成绩突出,但高考发挥失常;还有一种是平时努力不够,高考落榜后才幡然醒悟。选择了复读,就代表了他们面对失败的勇气,不是每个人都能承担复读所带来的巨大压力。同时,复读也体现了他们对未来一种更高的追求。毕竟,在优秀教育资源稀缺的情况下,名牌大学有着更大的吸引力。不管是哪种情况,和应届生相比,复读生所承受的心理压力往往更大,他们要承受来自父母、老师、亲戚们的高度期望,以及更高的自 Each year after the college entrance examination, there is a considerable part of the candidates chose to repeat the study, there are about three reasons: one is admitted to the institutions or professional dissatisfaction, this part of the students are many high score candidates; the other is the usual outstanding performance , But the college entrance examination to play disorders; there is usually not enough hard work, after the entrance exam failed to come to realize. The choice of repetition means that they face the courage to failure, not everyone can afford the enormous pressure of repetition. At the same time, repeat reading also reflects their pursuit of a higher future. After all, prestigious universities are even more attractive in the face of scarce educational resources. In either case, the stress experienced by repeat students tends to be greater than that of freshmen, and they have to bear the high expectations of their parents, teachers and relatives, as well as higher self
DENIS Malmbery, director of the Center for Feminist Research of Uppsala University, Mona Eliasson, an associate professor with the university, and Anita Dahlbe
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一天,儿子带着几粒发芽的蚕豆兴冲冲回家,又找花盆又挖土,忙得不亦乐乎,原来他要学会种蚕豆,并且要和同伴比一比谁的蚕豆长得最好。东西准备好了,儿子问我:“妈妈, One day
元旦前夕,儿子告诉我们,31号晚上他们班有20几名同学有一个聚会:包饺子、会餐、畅谈、卡拉OK……要通宵达旦。是学校组织的吗? 不是。学校为安全起见,不让学生搞这类活动,省