面对现实谈认识 畅所欲言献良策——浙江省包协纸制品包装委员会与本刊编辑部联合举行“纸箱行业怎么办”专题讨论会纪要

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纸箱行业怎么办?出路在哪里?这个热门话题已经引起包装界尤其是纸制品包装行业上上下下的普遍关注。本刊今年第三期就这一问题特辟《专题讨论》专栏,刊登了《当前纸箱行业存在的问题》等文章,并发表了“本刊编辑部”的按语,意在抛砖引玉,引起了大家的热切关注,展开了广泛讨论。这一期杂志出版发行后,在广大读者特别是纸箱行业中引起了强烈的反响和共鸣。为将这一专题讨论引向深入,不久前本刊编辑部与浙江省包协纸制品包装委员会联合举行了一次“纸箱行业怎么办”的专题讨论会。10多家纸箱企业的经理、厂长从浙江各地专程赶赴杭州参加了这次讨论。会上,发言踊跃,气氛热烈。与会的,有“老牌”的国有企业、浙江省的大型骨干企业、现代化的集团公司,也有集体企业、乡镇企业;有经济效益较好的企业,也有在重重困难中挣扎、目前还勉强可以支撑的企业,还有濒临倒闭的企业。可以说,与会者是具有一定代表性的。无论哪种企业,境况如何,有一点认识是大家共同的,就是:纸箱行业目前确实是困难重重,步履艰难,造成的原因多种多样;要解决这些问题,需要上级的关心,政策的支持,社会(主要是用户单位)的理解和同情,更要依靠行业内部的团结,改革生产模式,专业分工协作,优势互补,形成力量。大家一致认为,《包装世界》杂志开展这个“专题讨论”很有必要,很有意义,纸委会与编辑部联合举行这个讨论会也非常及时,非常有益。大家还希望各个舆论宣传部门都能重视纸箱行业的问题,广泛宣传讨论。为使“纸箱行业怎么办”这一专题讨论进一步在全国展开,我们编辑部和纸委会将这次讨论会的纪要加以整理,予以发表。希望全国广大读者、包装行业尤其是纸箱行业的广大干部、职工都能积极参加这个大讨论,广献良策,以进一步推动我国纸箱包装行业积极、健康、有序地发展。下面就是这次讨论会的纪要。 What is the carton industry? Where is the way out? This hot topic has caused widespread concern in the packaging industry, especially in the paper packaging industry. In the third issue of this year, the magazine opened a special discussion column on this issue, published articles such as “The Current Problems in the Carton Industry”, and published the “The editorial department of the journal”, which was intended as an introduction and attracted everyone. The ardent attention was paid to extensive discussions. After the publication of this issue of the magazine, it has aroused strong response and resonance in the readers, especially the carton industry. In order to deepen this topic discussion, the editorial department of the journal recently held a seminar on how to do the “carton industry” with the Zhejiang Association of Paper Products Packaging Committee. More than 10 carton managers and managers from all over Zhejiang made a special trip to Hangzhou to participate in this discussion. At the meeting, the speech was enthusiastic and the atmosphere was warm. At the meeting, there are “old-brand” state-owned enterprises, large-scale backbone enterprises in Zhejiang Province, modern group companies, collective enterprises, and township and township enterprises; enterprises with good economic benefits have struggled in numerous difficulties and are still barely able to support them. The companies are also on the verge of collapse. It can be said that the participants are representative. Regardless of the kind of business, what is the situation, there is a point of understanding is common to everyone, that is: the carton industry is indeed a difficult and difficult step, resulting in a variety of reasons; to solve these problems, the need for superior concern, policy support, The understanding and sympathy of the society (mainly the user units) must depend on the unity within the industry, reform the production model, cooperate with professional division of labor, complement each other, and form strength. All of us agreed that it is necessary and meaningful for “Packaging World” magazine to carry out this “thematic discussion”. The paper committee and the editorial board jointly held this seminar and it was very timely and very helpful. We also hope that all media publicity departments will pay attention to the problems of the carton industry and widely publicize discussions. In order to further discuss the topic of “How the carton industry is going” throughout the country, the editorial board and the paper committee will sort out and publish the minutes of this seminar. It is hoped that readers of the country, the packaging industry, especially the vast majority of cadres and employees of the carton industry can actively participate in this big discussion and offer good suggestions to further promote the active, healthy and orderly development of the carton packaging industry in China. The following is a summary of this seminar.
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1  刘曼琴从专家门诊出来,情绪一如既往的低落,撞了人都不知避让一下。  别说人了,就是撞了南墙,刘曼琴这会也没有避让的打算,生命即将划上终止符,避让不避让有什么区别?没有。  生活如此恶毒对待刘曼琴,不是也没跟她道过歉。  被撞的是个男人,男人咧一下嘴,手忙脚乱去抢被撞落的一张化验单,如果他从容一点,完全可以看见刘曼琴手里也捏着同样的一张化验单,不同的是,刘曼琴手里这张,已经有了专家的诊断结果,
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