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我到过许多办公室,有领导同志的,也有一般工作人员的。但不管主人是谁,似乎大都有—个共同嗜好:在墙壁上,或在办公桌的玻璃板底下,总要挂点字画、条幅或压点名言、警句什么的,以作为自己为人处世的座右铭。例如,在一个基层领导同志的办公室,墙上挂着郑板桥的“难得糊涂”,办公桌的玻璃板下压着“沉默是金”。不知道这位基层领导同志平时是如何实践这两条“真理”的,反正我觉得应该分个情况,论个时候。撇开议论颇多的“难得糊涂”不说,单说这个“沈默是金”吧,我就认为“沉默”未必都是“金”。 先从大的方面讲。在国难当头、生死攸关的时刻,就不能“沉默”。“不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡”,就是对黑暗社会的憎恶和抗议,号召人民“在沉默中爆发”,拯救中国。1976年天安门广场的“四五”运动,广大人民群众就是在“沉默”以后,对“四人帮”篡党夺权的罪恶行径发起的总反攻。这种“沉默中的爆发”,是任何反动势力都阻挡不了的。 I’ve been to many offices, with leading comrades and general staff. But no matter who the owner is, most of them seem to have a common hobby: hang on the wall, or under the glass of the desk, with words and pictures, banners or pressure quotes and aphorisms as the motto of their own being . For example, in the office of a leading grass-roots comrade, there is a “rare confusion” of Zheng Banqiao on the wall, and “silence is golden” under the glass of the desk. I do not know how the grass-roots comrades usually practice these two “truths”. Anyway, I think we should talk about the circumstances and the time. Apart from a lot of talk about “rare confused” do not say, simply say this “silence is golden,” I think “silence” are not necessarily all “gold.” First speaking, from a large aspect. In the moment of the national crisis, life and death can not be “silent.” “Not to burst out in silence, to perish in silence,” is to abhorrence and protest against the dark society, calling on the people to “burst out in silence” and save China. In the “Fourth Five-Year” campaign in Tiananmen Square in 1976, the broad masses of the people were the general counter-offensive against the “gang of four” in their criminal acts of usurping party and government after “silence.” This “silent outbreak” can not be stopped by any reactionary forces.
至今难忘那个美丽而忙碌的夏季,我与夫人奋笔疾书,共译出查尔斯·汉迪(Charles Handy)的《空雨衣》(The Empty Raincoat)。普通传记或评论,多由文士执笔。《查尔斯·汉迪》
研究背景及目的: 鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC)是我国常见的头颈部肿瘤,在南方尤其广东地区高发。其中95%以上鼻咽癌患者为低分纯鳞癌和未分化癌,恶性程度高,生长快,易
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