叶蜂科两新种记述(膜翅目 广腰亚目)

来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveagle
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本文记述的两个新种,均为我国经济树种上的重要害虫。白蜡叶蜂Macrophya fraxina new sp(图1) 雌虫:体长9-10毫米。体黑色有光泽,上有暗黄白斑。触角黑色,其长度短于腹部,第3节与第4节长度之比为7:4。头黑色有光泽,具分散孤立的刻点,密生淡黄色绒毛;唇基鲜黄色,上着生黄色长绒毛,前缘为半圆形切口;侧齿突出较尖,上唇前缘圆;面不具凹陷;单眼后头区黑色,表面凸起,近似正方形,侧沟深并向后逐渐加深,后缘边极窄,暗褐色;前单眼黄色,侧单眼黑褐色。胸黑色,刻点与头部相同,背板刻点较细;小盾片表面凸起;中胸侧板黑色,上有一不明显的黄斑,后胸侧板黑色。腹部黑色有光泽,具分散稀 The two new species described in this article are all important pests on our economic tree species. Macrophya fraxina new sp. (Fig. 1) Female: 9-10 mm body length. Body black and shiny, there are dark yellow white spots. The antennae are black, shorter in length than the abdomen, with a ratio of 7: 4 for the lengths of sections 3 and 4. Head black and shiny, with discrete inscribed points, densely yellowish hair; lip-based bright yellow, on the long yellow hair, the leading edge of the semicircular incision; lateral teeth more pointed, the upper lip anterior circle; surface does not have Depression; monocular behind the head black, convex surface, the approximate square, ditch deep and backward gradually deepened, the trailing edge of a very narrow, dark brown; yellow monoclination, monocular dark brown. Chest black, engraved with the same head, the back of the engraved point thinner; scutellar surface convex; in the chest side of the black plate, there is a clear yellow, the posterior chest plate black. Abdomen black shiny, with scattered thin
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