
来源 :大豆科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenxu
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我所于1985—1986年在所内外开展了大豆地膜覆盖试验——大豆稀、少、覆栽培法的研究工作。试验分为地膜覆盖和露地直播(对照,参考对照)密植栽培三个处理,供试品种为密枝1号和嫩丰11,三次重复,随机排列。研究结果表明,覆盖栽培,由于提高地温,(0—25cm平均地温比直播增温1.56—3.04℃)提前成熟9—14天。覆膜保墒节水,提高水的利用率,生育期水分生产效率比对照增加53.1—75.0%,对抗御干旱起到了卓有成效的作用。覆膜使土壤微生物数量增加,有利于养分分解,苗期的碱解氮、速效磷分别比直播增加50.0%和14.9%。为大豆生长发育提供了充足的养分。协调大豆生长发育环境中的热量、水分、养分、气体的组合,这些综合因素作用,使大豆生长发育沿着最佳的生物轨道运转。经济产量每公顷达到2630.8—4317.0kg,比露地直播增产62.4—72.7%。 In 1985-1986, I conducted research work on soybeam mulching test-soybean thin, few and cover cultivation method both inside and outside of our lab. The experiment was divided into three kinds of treatments of mulching and live broadcasting (control and reference). The tested varieties were Mi Zhi No.1 and Nenfeng11, and were arranged in three repetitions randomly. The results showed that the cover cultivation increased the ground temperature (0-25cm average ground temperature 1.56-3.04 ℃ than the live-ground warming) matured 9-14 days in advance. Film moisture conservation, improve water utilization, growth rate of water production during the growth of 53.1-75.0% increase compared to the control drought has played a fruitful effect. Film mulching increased the amount of soil microorganisms, which was conducive to nutrient decomposition. At the seedling stage, available nitrogen and available phosphorus increased by 50.0% and 14.9% respectively compared with that of direct seeding. Soybean growth and development to provide adequate nutrients. Coordination of the growth and development of soybean in the environment of heat, moisture, nutrients, gas combination of these comprehensive factors, so that the growth and development of soybean along the best biological orbital operation. The economic output reached 2630.8-4317.0kg per hectare, 62.4-72.7% more than that of the open field.
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