,Spring Festival Celebrations inside the High Walls——How the prison inmates celebrate Spring Festiva

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All the prisons in Henan put on a festive atmosphere as the Spring Festival approached.The red lantes, colorful door couplets, beautiful China knots, New Years paintings and the big red giant character "福", meaning happiness were seen everywhere.
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在初中体育教学中,存在着一种不容忽视的不良现象,笔者把其称之为“消极型行为现象”。带有这一现象的学生虽是少数,但消极行为一直是中学阶段体育教学中普遍存在的问题。对此,我们应提起高度重视。  一、消极行为现象成因分析  这一类学生学习目的不明确,态度不端正,对于掌握体育技能缺乏兴趣。课上的具体表现是:情绪低、无热情、不认真少练习,使体育训练流于敷衍,甚至编造种种理由请假、逃课,以达到逃避运动的目的。
Human security is a new concept in the area of security and constitutes one of the important indicators for realizing human rights.It puts the point of conce ab