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经过半个世纪的风雨兼程,在跨入新千年,迈进新世纪后,《机械工人》迎来了50华诞。50年的《机械工人》,是几代人智慧、心血和汗水的结晶,堪称是一座荟萃制造技术实践经验之精华,取之不尽、用之不竭的知识宝库。 为庆祝《机械工人》创刊50周年,本刊开展了“《机械工人》50年”的主题征文活动。从本期开始,“《机械工人》50年”征文将陆续与读者见面了。 棒读这一篇篇热情洋溢的文章,我们深深地为读者渴求知识、钻研技术的热情和敬业精神所感动;为读者对《机械工人》的信赖,以及《机械工人》对读者的成长、对企业的发展所起的作用而感到欣慰。读者对《机械工人》的关注、期望和支持,更使我们感到一种关爱、一种力量、一种责任…… 忆回迎新,开创未来,前(?)任重道远。我们相信,有广大读者和各界朋友的大力支持和帮助,《机械工人》的明天会更美好。 After half a century of trials and hardships, the “mechanized workers” ushered in the 50th birthday after entering the new millennium and entering the new century. 50 years of “mechanical workers”, is the crystallization of generations of wisdom, painstaking efforts and sweat, called a combination of manufacturing technology and practical experience of the best, inexhaustible treasure trove of knowledge. In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the “mechanic workers”, this magazine launched the theme essay entitled “50 years of mechanic workers”. Starting from this issue, “” mechanical workers “50 years” essay will meet with the readers one by one. Stick to this essay enthusiastic article, we deeply for the reader thirst for knowledge, passion for technology research and dedication touched by; readers for the “mechanic” trust, and “mechanic” for the reader’s growth, We are very pleased with the role of business in the development. Readers’ concern, expectation and support for “mechanic workers” also make us feel a kind of care, a force and a responsibility ... We will recall a new face and create a bright future with a long way to go. We believe that with the great support and help from readers and friends from all walks of life, the future of “mechanized workers” will be even better.
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