
来源 :中老年保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyq20061001
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编辑同志: 您好!我是一名机关的工作人员,今年40岁。一次,几个同事在一起聊天,有人说,从人的眼神就可以看出他的精神上是否有病。后来,他看了看我,说我的精神不太好,将来会经常头疼,情绪低落。从此,我总想着他的“预见”,那些话竟成了我的思想负担。 Edit comrades: Hello! I am a staff member, 40 years old this year. Once, a few colleagues chatted together, some people said that from the human eye can see his mental illness. Later, he looked at me and said that my spirit is not very good. I will often have a headache and depression in the future. Since then, I always think of his “foresight”, those words became my mental burden.
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许多人时常被恶梦困扰,抱怨梦影响了睡眠。其实,睡前摄入一些糖类食物就可以减少恶梦。 为什么糖有如此奇效? 原来,科研人员发现:低血糖是恶梦发生的 Many people are ofte
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