
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的了解黑龙江省2009-2014年住院严重急性呼吸道感染(SARI)病例的临床和流行病学特征。方法对符合SARI病例定义的标本进行核酸检测、病毒分离及基因特性分析。结果共采集SARI病例2 053例,主要来自呼吸内科,其中流感病毒阳性127例,阳性率为6.19%;流感病毒阳性最多的年龄组为60岁以上组,占50.39%;临床表现以发热和咳嗽最为常见;从440例SARI病例中检出流感病毒以外的其他呼吸道病毒34例;测序的6例标本与WHO在2014-2015年间推荐的A/Texas/50/2012疫苗株同源性较高。结论住院严重急性呼吸道感染病例的监测,是对流感ILI病例监测的有效补充,反映了流感的严重程度和危险因素,为流感防控工作和临床治疗提供科学依据。 Objective To understand the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in Heilongjiang Province from 2009 to 2014. Methods Nucleic acid detection, virus isolation and gene characterization were performed on specimens that met the definition of SARI. Results A total of 2 053 SARI cases were collected, mainly from respiratory medicine, of which 127 cases were positive for influenza virus, the positive rate was 6.19%. The most common influenza virus was in patients over 60 years old, accounting for 50.39%. The clinical manifestations were fever and cough The most common case was detected in 440 cases of SARI and 34 cases of other respiratory viruses except influenza virus. The 6 specimens sequenced were highly homologous to the A / Texas / 50/2012 vaccine recommended by the WHO during 2014-2015. Conclusion The monitoring of hospitalized cases of severe acute respiratory infection is an effective supplement to the surveillance of influenza ILI, which reflects the severity and risk factors of influenza and provides a scientific basis for prevention and control of influenza and clinical treatment.
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