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一个天山,一个珠江,无论哪一个,都特征鲜明,风情独具、但要把它们结合在一块,却很难找到一种方式实现完美。却有一个人总在试图把天山的纯洁与广袤,和珠江的隽永与灵气结合起来,她就是本文的主人公——杜云萍导演。她生长在天山脚下,在而立之年,来到珠江之畔。 就像吃惯了天山的雪莲,来喝珠江的江水一样,总有不适之感。一面是豪爽直率的天山个性,一面是细腻婉转的珠江风情。这就是杜云萍导演的双重性格,而追求完美的她得以使这两者相互溶解。所以,在她的言行中,时而感受到直率和淳朴,时而又处处透出精明与缜密。 A Tianshan, a Pearl River, no matter which one, are distinctive features, unique style, but to put them together, but it is difficult to find a way to achieve perfection. There is a person who always tries to combine the pureness and vastness of Tianshan with the meaningful and aura of the Pearl River. She is the protagonist of this article - director Du Yunping. She grew up at the foot of the Tianshan, in the erected years, came to the banks of the Pearl River. Like eating the snow lotus Tianshan, Pearl River to drink the same water, there is always the feeling of discomfort. One side is bold and frank Tianshan personality, one side is delicate and graceful Pearl River style. This is Du Yunping director’s dual personality, and the pursuit of perfection, she was able to make the two dissolve each other. Therefore, in her words and deeds, she sometimes feels forthrightness and simplicity, and at every turn it reveals intelligence and meticulousness.