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  Rich and colorful career
  In 1952, Tegegnework Gettu was born in Addis Ababa of Ethiopia. In retrospect, it’s not hard to find that his career has been rich and colorful -- serving at UNDP, academic field and private sector……
  Before he joined the UN system, Mr. Gettu was a researcher at Columbia University, and an assistant professor and lecturer at the University of Rochester, Hunter College and Addis Ababa University. He also used to work in the Department of Planning and Economic Development of Ethiopia and the private sector. He has a PhD degree, Master degree of Socioeconomics from Colombia University and a Bachelor degree of Management in Development from Addis Ababa University.   From 1989 to 1997, Mr. Gettu served as Senior Program Director, Deputy Chief, and Senior Economist in Charge of Eastern and Southern Africa in the Consulting Team of Structural Adjustment in Africa. From 1997 to 1999, he served as Acting Representative in Sierra Leone and Liberia, and Director of UNDP African Office, in charge of affairs of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Indian Ocean countries.
  From 2003 to 2006, Gettu was the UN resident coordinator in Nigeria, and UNDP resident representative in Nigeria. From 2006 to 2009, Gettu served as the Office Director of UNDP’s head and Executive Office Director of UNDP and played the strategic role in UNDP’s core business in the world. Since 2009, Gettu has been the UN Assistant Secretary-General, providing the overall guidance and strategic thinking for UNDP’s activities in Africa.
  Over the past 30 years, Gettu has been working unremittingly for the health and well-being of mankind and poverty alleviation. At the same time, he has got more and more responsibilities of management, which helps him to manage complicated institutional structure in his new position in UN headquarters, and lead various departments effectively in the challenging environment. On March 25, 2013, Gettu was appointed as Under-Secretary-General for the Assembly matters and conference management to replace Jean-Jacques Graisse.
  Enhance Sino-African cooperation
  Tegegnework Gettu has constantly enhanced cooperation between China and Africa. In fact, Mr. Gettu has had long friendship with China. In November, 2013, Gettu visited Guangzhou City, which was his fourth trip to China. Perhaps because of his special bond to China, Gettu is very fascinated in Chinese classical music and his favorite Chinese band is “12 Girls Band”. Moreover, Gettu is also very interested in China’s economy. During his visit to Guangzhou, he bought many economics books. When he was interviewed by Yangcheng Evening News, he said, “China is a rising country and the economy has grown rapidly. China has formed its own model of economic development. This model is what I need to study, and worth learning from by other countries in the world.”
  Therefore, on November 8th, 2013, in his address at the opening ceremony of the first International Health Forum, Gettu specially emphasized the need to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between China and Africa. Actually, as early as in 2010, when Gettu held the posts of Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Assistant Director of United Nations Development Program and Director of Africa Bureau, he exchanged ideas on the joint promotion of South-South Cooperation and poverty deduction with Wu Zhong, Director of China’s International Poverty Reduction Center. At that time, Gettu made proposals on cooperation in Africa, like setting up the “Window of China and Africa”, supporting China-Africa exchange and cooperation by using networks and platforms of NUDP in Africa, coordinating International Center’s scattered activities in Africa including researches, communications, trainings and collaborations, and expanding the areas of exchanges and cooperation in poverty deduction between China and Africa.   Enhance international cooperation and focus on global health
  “Besides development between or inside countries, people also pay special attention to global health. Economic development does not guarantee the progress of health,” said Gettu at the opening ceremony of the first International Health Forum on November 8th, 2013.
  The reporter found that the World Health Industry Conference is an international exhibition co-sponsored by China International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Health Care of Ministry of Public Health of China and other related institutions of various countries and regions like America, Russia, Germany, Japan, Korea and Africa. The Conference is held regularly every year on World Health Day and consists of three parts, namely, International Forum, Products Exhibition and Public Beneficial Activities, which is praised as the highest-level conference in global health industry by international media.
  He made clear statement in his address that health is the common goal of all human beings and it definitely needs the cooperation among various departments and countries. He hoped that governments, non-governments, research groups and others around the world could carry out international cooperation with related organizations of United Nations to make efforts for the health of mankind.
  It is the most important task of a country to build a harmonious and healthy society. Health plays a decisive role in social and economic development and to promote the health of human beings is one of the most important fundamental tasks of United Nations. “China has made great success in this respect, which has significant implications for the establishment of international strategies and policies. It has opened a new chapter of international cooperation,” said Gettu.
  He also said that one vital function of United Nations is to fully coordinate all international organizations and member countries to strive for the health of mankind. Governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, institutions of United Nations and academic and research groups should carry out international cooperation together. The health of human beings is indeed a long-term mission. Great success has been made by the international community in this regard. However, environmental destruction and the emergence of diseases are still huge challenges to global health.
研究人员称,大型食草哺乳动物,如大象和犀牛曾漫步欧洲大陆,它们的存在促进了覆盖了森林和牧场的土地的可持续利用和生物多样性的保存。研究人员认为,如今,与之类似的自我调节的生态系统可以再次被引入欧洲国家的公园。  一个丹麦研究团队在美国国家科学院院刊上发表报告,用甲虫化石绘制了一幅古老生态系统的画面。  研究人员关注的甲虫物种是与过去的大型哺乳动物或林生环境中的大型哺乳动物有关的所有金龟子科甲虫。  
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