
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kassi
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春已来到,正是造林的适宜季节,各地应抓紧此一农忙空隙的有利时间,在春耕以前有计划有重点的迅速开展群众性的造林运动,争取在春季完成全年百分之六十以上的造林任务,并达到最大的成活率。为此特作如下指示:一、掌握季节,普遍展开群众性的造林运动。林业是群众性的事情,造林工作,必须依靠群众的行动,只有广大群众行动起来,才能完成消灭大面积的荒山、荒地的艰巨任务。因此,各级政府干部必须掌握为群众当前的或长远的利益服务的政策方针,广泛深入的进行宣传教育,使政策成为群众的实际行动。在造林以前,并要结合当前的中心工作和各种具体工作,举行宣传周:利用或召开各种会议.说明造林的重要性,讲解造林和 Spring has arrived. It is a suitable season for afforestation. All localities should pay close attention to the favorable time of this busy agricultural gap. Prior to spring planting, there are planned and focused rapid afforestation campaigns to achieve a mass 60% Above the afforestation task, and achieve the maximum survival rate. To this end special for the following instructions: First, master the season, the general launch of the mass afforestation campaign. Forestry is a matter of mass nature. Afforestation must rely on the actions of the masses. Only when the masses of the people can act in order to accomplish the arduous task of eliminating large areas of barren hills and wasteland can they accomplish the task of afforestation. Therefore, government cadres at all levels must master the policy guidelines for serving the people’s current or long-term interests, conduct extensive and in-depth publicity and education, and make policies a reality for the masses. Before reforestation, and in conjunction with the current center work and various specific tasks, hold an awareness week: use or convene various meetings to explain the importance of afforestation and to explain afforestation and
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