Studies on Organo-Phosphorus, -Arsenic and -Antimony Polytungstates and Polymolybdates (Ⅶ)——Preparat

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In order to investigate the influence of organic groups on the types of organoarsenic polymolybdates, the reations of p-aminophenylarsonic acid with sodium molybdate were tested at pH=3-5. Six salts were prepared and characterized. (1) (CN3H8)4 [(p-NH3C6H4As)2Mo6O25] · H2O, (2) (CN3H6)4 [(p-, NH3C6H4As )2Mo6O25 ] · 6H20, (3) Cs4 [(p-NH3C6H4As)2Mo6O25] · 4H2O, (4) C(CH3)4N]4[(p-NH3C6H4As)2Mo6O25] · 5H2O, (5) [(n-C4H9)4N]3Na[(p-NH3C6H4As)2Mo6O25] · 2H2O, (6) Ba2 NH3C6H4As)2Mo6O25] · 10H2O. The IR, UV spectra, and electrochemical behavior are reported and discussed. They should belong to the same type as that for phenyl derivative or the nitrophenyl derivatives. But the ammo groups can accept protons, so that the anion’ s charge decreases. Very similar to the tungsten congener (CN3H6)4[(p-NH3C,H4As)2W6O25] · 4H2O, [(RAs)2Mo6O25]4- type of complexes are formed. In order to investigate the influence of organic groups on the types of organoarsenic polymolybdates, the reations of p-aminophenylarsonic acid with sodium molybdate were tested at pH = 3-5. (1) (CN3H8) 4 [ (p-NH3C6H4As) 2Mo6O25] .H2O, (2) (CN3H6) 4 [(p-, NH3C6H4As) 2Mo6O25] .6H20, (3) Cs4 [ ) 4N] 4 [(p-NH3C6H4As) 2Mo6O25] 5H2O, (5) [(n-C4H9) 4N] 3Na [(p-NH3C6H4As) 2Mo6O25] 2H2O, (6) Ba2NH3C6H4As) 2Mo6O25] .10H2O. IR, UV spectra, and electrochemical behavior are reported and discussed. They should belong to the same type as that for phenyl derivative or the nitrophenyl derivatives. But the ammo groups can accept protons, so that the anion ’s charge decreases. The tungsten congener (CN3H6) 4 [(p-NH3C, H4As) 2W6O25] .4H2O, [(RAs) 2Mo6O25] 4- type of complexes are formed.
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〔问〕什么是液化石油气? 〔答〕液化石油气的主要成分是丙烷和少量丁烷。丙烷、丁烷在常温常压下是气体,为了运输和使用方便,一般是加压后(8公斤/厘米~2)使它液化,装在特制
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