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为引导石墨烯产业创新发展,助推传统产业改造提升、支撑新兴产业培育壮大、带动材料产业升级换代,发改委、工信部、科技部等三部门印发关于加快石墨烯产业创新发展的若干意见。意见提出,到2018年,石墨烯材料制备、应用开发、终端应用等关键环节良性互动的产业体系基本建立,产品标准和技术规范基本完善,开发出百余项实用技术和样品,推动一批产业示范项目,实现石墨烯材料稳 In order to guide the innovation and development of graphene industry, boost the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, support the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, and promote the upgrading of materials industry, several opinions on accelerating the innovation and development of graphene industry were issued by the NDRC, MIIT and Ministry of Science and Technology. Opinion put forward that by 2018, graphene material preparation, application development, terminal applications and other key areas of benign interaction of the basic establishment of the industrial system, product standards and technical specifications of the basic improvement of the development of more than 100 practical technologies and samples to promote a number of industries Demonstration project, to achieve a stable graphene material
在《第三次工业革命》一书中,杰里米·里夫金(Jeremy Rifkin)把当前世界范围内以新能源和可再生能源取代传统化石能源的新型能源体系变革提升为“第三次工业革命”。以新能源
减轻学生作业负担,特别是减轻学生总复习阶段的作业负担,是一个极待解决的问题。 减轻学生负担,不能简单地从少布置作业下手,学生要是没有掌握基础知识,了解问题实质,作题方
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