贴近生活 智学物理

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现代人的人文素养和技能都很重要,高中要全面平衡发展打好基础,不能偏科更不能过早分文理科。现在厌学甚至弃学物理的同学不少,主要原因是高中物理难学而没兴趣。要爱物理就应贴近社会和生活实际。要学好物理就要激发兴趣,注重实验、数形结合,提高效益;要提升物理成绩,就要乐学物理、提炼学习方法。 The humanistic accomplishments and skills of the modern people are very important. The high school should lay a solid foundation for a balanced development in an all-round way and can not prejudice liberal arts and sciences. Many students who are tired of learning or even abandon their studies nowadays mainly because of their difficulty in high school physics and their lack of interest. To love the physical should be close to the reality of society and life. To learn physics, it is necessary to stimulate interest, focus on experiments, combination of figures and improve efficiency; to enhance physical performance, we must learn physics, refining learning methods.
AIM: To examine the efficacy of Saenghyuldan and its components, Ginseng Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, and Hominis Placenta extracts (SHD, GR, PRA, and HP, respe
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编辑同志: 互联网,为我们的工作生活学习提供了极大的方便,但是用之不当又会给个人、家庭造成不良影响。比如有的人上网入迷,成了“网虫”:有的在网上谈情说爱,最后毁了家庭
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