翻开数百年的新闻史告诉我们,大凡对新闻的功能概括为:信息功能、教育功能、宣传功能、服务功能、娱乐功能等。从表面上看,这些功能无可诽,但是细加分析,这只是皮毛现象,尚未反映到新闻的本质功能。笔者认为,我们把新闻放到哲学领域里加以分析,生产力功能才是新闻的本质功能。 笔者1987年在拙文《新闻工作职业道德规范刍议》中曾提出新闻的道德功能主要有:传播一定社会或阶级所倡导的道德观念和道德准则;再现
Turned hundreds of years of history of the news tells us that almost all of the functions of the news can be summarized as: information function, education function, advocacy function, service function, entertainment function. On the surface, these functions are indefensible, but careful analysis is just a fur phenomenon that has not yet been reflected in the essential function of journalism. The author believes that we put the news in the field of philosophy to analyze, the productivity function is the essential function of the news. In my essay “My Opinion on the Code of Professional Ethics of Journalism” in 1987, the author put forward the moral functions of news mainly as follows: to disseminate the ethical standards and moral principles advocated by certain social or class; to reproduce