
来源 :商业经济文荟 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seryanny
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浅谈商业宗师子贡的经营之道程美秀旧时,商人们往往称道自己所从事的事业是“陶朱事业,端木生涯。”有些附庸风雅的商人在自己的商店门口,还常用“生涯宗子贡,贸易效陶朱”作春联,将子贡、范作为祖师爷来敬仰。陶朱即是春秋末期助越王勾践灭吴的范蠢,灭吴后出游齐国... When talking about commercial master Cheng Gongxi’s old ways, businessmen often praised their career as the “Taozhu cause, Duanmu career.” Some arty merchants are often at the entrance of their shops, and they often use their career as their son. The trade effect of Tao Zhu as the Spring Festival couplets will be tribute to Zigong and Fan as the founders. Tao Zhu is the stupid fool who assisted Yue in the late spring and autumn to extinguish Wu; he went to Qi after his expulsion...
Once a young girl got tired of living with her strict parents and then she ran away from home.But she soon found out that life was not easy on her own.She could
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Emily lived in the country with her parents. There was a family of deer living in the woods near their house. Emily named the baby deer Angel and oftenplayed wi
中华人民共和国海关总署令 第50号 现发布《中华人民共和国海关对专业报关企业的管理规定》, 自1994年12月1日起施行。 署长 钱冠林 1994年10月24日 The Order of the Gene