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喀拉玉尔滚构造带是南天山库车褶皱-冲断带的变形前缘,其地下深层变形特征仍然不清楚.结合野外地质调查结果、数字高程模型数据、钻井数据和高品质二维地震反射剖面,厘定喀拉玉尔滚构造带背斜的平面展布、几何学和运动学特征及变形时间,并结合前人研究成果探讨喀拉玉尔滚构造带新生代变形控制因素.喀拉玉尔滚构造带为典型的挤压构造带,近EW向延伸约165km,由一系列带状背斜组成,且背斜核部发育多条隐伏逆冲断层.喀拉玉尔滚构造带新生代变形特征主要表现为5个方面:(1)北喀背斜为盐枕构造;(2)中喀背斜和南喀背斜的几何形态不对称、背斜倾伏方向相反,分别为向北和向南,二者交汇处发生了位移转换;(3)羊塔克背斜和英买力背斜为基本对称的低幅度滑脱褶皱;(4)背斜幅度整体上从西往东逐渐降低;(5)背斜变形时间从西往东逐渐变新.研究结果表明,喀拉玉尔滚构造带新生代变形主要受区域挤压作用、盐层和基底构造共同控制. The structural features of the Karajur roll tectonic belt are the deformation front of the Kuqa fold-thrust belt in the southern Tianshan Mountains, and the deformation characteristics of deep underground formations remain unclear.Based on the field geological survey results, digital elevation model data, drilling data and high-quality two-dimensional seismic Reflection profile and determine the plane distribution, geometric and kinematic characteristics and deformation time of Kelaer Er rolling tectonic belt anticline, and explore the Cenozoic deformation control factors of Kelaer Er rolling belt based on the previous research results. The Yurong structural belt is a typical crustal structural belt extending about 165km in the near EW direction and composed of a series of banded anticlines with multiple hidden thrust faults in the core of the anticline. The deformation features are mainly manifested in five aspects: (1) The northern anticline is a salt pillow structure; (2) the geometry of the middle anticline and the southern anticline is asymmetric and the reverse anticline is opposite in direction to (3) the sheep Tack anticline and the English-forcing anticline are basically symmetrical low-amplitude slippage folds; (4) the anticline amplitude gradually decreases from west to east as a whole ; (5) Anticline deformation time gradually changes from west to east Yule roller configured mainly by the deformation region with the new generation of squeezing action, the salt layer and the base common control configurations.
1 你的爱好广泛吗?  A 广泛 B 不广泛 C 说不清  2 你的好朋友里面各种性格的人都有吗?  A 是 B 不是 C 说不清  3 你的情绪很少波动吗?  A 是 B 不是 C 说不清  4 和同龄人相比,你是一个没有压力、逍遥自在的人吗?  A 是 B 不是 C 说不清  5 在他人眼里,你是个成熟可靠的人吗?  A 是 B 不是 C 说不清  6 因为忘记自己是否锁门,而反复回去仔细检查
一    关于中国商业的起源,学术界看法不一,主要观点有“祝融说”、“西周初年殷民说”和“白圭说”。  《世本·作篇》:“祝融作市。”祝融,高辛氏火正。《管子·五行》:“昔者黄帝……得祝融而辨于南方。”这些资料说明,首先,高辛氏为传说时期的人物,生活在原始社会末期的炎黄时期;第二,他是高辛氏帝喾的火正;第三,“祝融作市”的“市”并非“市场”,也非商业。因为此时农业和手工业还不发达,商业也无从谈起。
Background: Intravitreal triamcinolone injection (IVT) has become a treatment option for macular edema of heterogeneous etiology and neovascular retinal disease
本文首先介绍了公路工程的现状,然后探讨了公路工程的路基及路面的施工技术,最后对公路工程的施工进行试验检测。 This paper first introduces the current status of high
埃尼奥·莫里康内是世界公认的电影配乐大师,他出生在意大利罗马,父亲是一位小喇叭手。埃尼奥最喜欢音乐课,刚升入中学就开始学着写曲谱。  因为长期劳累,父亲患上了帕金森症,埃尼奥接替父亲的工作。有一次,埃尼奥在收拾桌子时,看见了一张只写了两句曲谱的纸片,埃尼奥拿起纸片暗暗地对它说:“我不会让你沦为废纸的!”  埃尼奥又要工作又要照料父亲的生活,但他还是找时间往图书馆跑,看一些与音乐有关的书籍。他家附近
Three d10 tetranuclear complexes,Cd 4(1,8-nap) 4(2,2′-bipy) 4(H2O) 8·6H2O(1,8-nap=naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylate and 2,2′bipy=2,2′-bipyridine)(1),Cd4(1,8-nap