Alexander Blok (1880-1921) was a master of modern Russian poetry in the early twentieth century. He began to work on poetry from 1897 and became one of the representatives of Russian symbolism. His first lyric poem, Beauty Poems, published in 1904, earned him great reputations. Under the influence of the first revolution in Russia in 1905, he began to face the reality and wrote works based on the motherland and the people. He welcomed the great October Revolution and wrote the famous long poem “The Twelve” (1918), celebrating the new force destroying the Old World and shaping the image of the New World Apostles - twelve Red Guard. Gorky called Blok an “extremely sincere poet,” and Mayakovsky said: “Blok’s creation is an era of poetry.” He now translates seven poems from the early to late stages , We can see the development of his poetry.