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临危受命力挽狂澜开国元帅、新四军代军长、军长陈毅陈毅(1901-1972),四川省乐至县人。1922年加入中国社会主义青年团。1923年入北京中法大学学习。同年加入中国共产党。参加过南昌起义,参与发动了湘南起义。红军时期.历任红四军十二师师长,红四军军委书记兼第一纵队党代表,红一军团第六军政治委员,红二十二军军长,江西军区总指挥兼政治委员。坚持了南方三年游击战争。抗日战争 Dangerous order to turn the tide opened the marshal, the New Fourth Army on behalf of the commander, commander Chen Yi Chen Yi (1901-1972), Le County, Sichuan Province. In 1922 to join the Chinese socialist youth league. In 1923 into Beijing University of French study. Joined the Communist Party in the same year. Participated in the Nanchang Uprising, involved in the launch of the southern Hunan uprising. During the Red Army, he served successively as the commander of the 12th Division of the Red Army, the secretary of the Fourth Red Army Army and the party leader of the First Column, the political commissar of the Sixth Army of the Red Army, the commander of the Red Army twenty-two, and the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the Jiangxi Military Region. Adhere to the three years guerrilla war in the south. Anti-Japanese War