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农业合作化全面规划的工作,在黑龙江省自从去年秋前掛锄期间提出以后,随着农业合作化运动的推进,在逐渐地充实和逐渐地发展。现在已由单项的农业合作化规划,进到了以农业合作化为中心的全面规划。实行农业合作化全面规划的实质就是将以农业合作化为中心的农业社会主义改造事业,在农村中做了统筹的安排和具体的布置。这样做一方面可以提高各级党和政府领导农业社会主义改造事业的主动性、全面性和计划性,把农业合作化和改革农业技术、把认真巩固现有农业生产合作社和积极发展新社、把当前生产和长远建设、把发展农业为主同时注意畜牧、水产、林业等事业的发展密切结合起来,使农村各项经济工作得以全面有计划地配合发展。规划之后,领导方面觉得对当地怎样进行农业社会主义改造,怎样进行建设,心里有数了。村支部也改变了「上级布置点才干点」的被动局面,能主动地研究和想办法克服困难做好工作。规划之后,也使广大农民群众有明确的努力目标,大大提高了农民群众建设社会主义的热情,普遍感到「前途美满、心里亮堂」,互助合作和生产积极性大大提高;积极进行改革技术,兴修水利、开垦荒 The comprehensive planning for agricultural co-operation has been gradually and gradually developed with the advancement of the agricultural co-operative movement since it was put forward in the past autumn in Heilongjiang Province. Now, from a single agricultural cooperation plan, it has entered a comprehensive plan focusing on agricultural cooperation. The essence of carrying out the comprehensive plan for agricultural cooperation is to carry out the socialist transformation of agriculture centered on agricultural cooperation and make overall arrangements and concrete arrangements in rural areas. This will, on the one hand, enhance the initiative, comprehensiveness and planning of the party and the government at all levels in leading the socialist transformation of agriculture, work together with agriculture and reform agricultural technologies, earnestly consolidate existing agricultural cooperatives and actively develop new clubs, We should closely integrate the current production with the development in the long-term construction, the development of agriculture while paying attention to livestock husbandry, aquatic products and forestry, so that all economic work in rural areas will be fully and systematically coordinated with development. After planning, leaders feel there is a lot about how to carry out socialist transformation in agriculture and how to carry out the construction. The village branch has also changed the passive situation of “superficial deployment of talent and talent” and can actively study and find ways to overcome difficulties and do a good job. After the plan, it also enabled the broad masses of peasants to have a clear goal of hard work, greatly enhanced their enthusiasm for building socialism, and generally felt that “there is a prosperous future and a bright future,” mutual assistance and cooperation and enthusiasm for production have greatly increased; and the active reform of technology and water conservancy , Reclamation shortage