Aerodynamic measurement of a large aircraft model in hypersonic flow

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lionschen2009
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Accurate aerodynamic measurements in the hypersonic flow of large aircraft models in tunnels have practical significance, but pose a significant challenge. Novel aerodynamic force measurement methods have been proposed,but lack theoretical support. The forms of the force signals techniques for signal processing and calculation of aerodynamics are especially problematic. A theoretical study is conducted to investigate the dynamic properties based on models of the draw-rod system and slender rods. The results indicate that the inertia item can be neglected in the rod governing equation;further, the solutions show that the signals of each rod are a combination of aerodynamic signals(with a constant value) and sine signals, which can be verified by experimental shock tunnel results. Signal processing and aerodynamics calculation techniques are also found to be achievable via the flat part of the signals. Accurate aerodynamic measurements in the hypersonic flow of large aircraft models in tunnels have practical significance, but pose a significant challenge. Novel aerodynamic force measurement methods have been proposed, but lack theoretical support. The forms of the force signals techniques for signal processing and calculation of aerodynamics are especially problematic. A theoretical study is conducted to investigate the dynamic properties based on models of the draw-rod system and slender rods. The results that that the inertia item can be neglected in the rod governing equation; further, the solutions show that that the signals of each rod are a combination of aerodynamic signals (with a constant value) and sine signals, which can be verified by experimental shock tunnel results. .
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