
来源 :汽车与配件 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixslixs
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结构失衡、效益低下,是我国经济生活中长期存在的突出问题,也是汽车配件产销行业近几年显露的主要矛盾。其具体表现是:一面产品严重积压,一面却有效供应不足。目前我们汽车配件销售系统总的状况是:汽车销额上升,配件销量下降;总销绝对值上升,经济效益下降;汽车维修配件需求上升,市场占有率下降。除去体制上的原因之外,就是配件营销结构老化,新车型品种开发太少,库存适销的车型种规格不齐,部分质量不佳,不能适应市场需要。尽管近2年汽车销量大幅增长,但汽配公 Structure imbalances, low efficiency, is the outstanding long-standing economic problems in China, but also auto parts production and marketing industry in recent years revealed the main contradictions. Its specific performance is: one side of a serious backlog of products, but the effective supply is insufficient. At present, the overall status of our auto parts sales system is as follows: the auto sales increase, the sales of spare parts decrease; the absolute sales value increases, the economic benefits decline; the demand for auto repair parts increases and the market share declines. In addition to institutional reasons, the aging of the parts marketing structure, the development of new models is too small, the inventory of suitable models of different specifications, some of the poor quality, can not meet the needs of the market. Despite the substantial growth in car sales in the past two years, auto parts sales are still high
目的 为了揭示抽动- 秽语综合征( T S) 患儿的行为问题及其与事件相关诱发电位( E R P) 之间的关系。方法 应用 E R P、儿童行为量表( A C B C) 检测30 例 T S患儿,并与15 例正常对照组患儿比较。结
Dimethyl ether(DME)is a non-toxic fuel with high H/C ratio and high volumetric energy density,and could be served as an ideal source of H_2/syngas production fo
美国农业部宣布,1995年美农产品出口预计达到创记录的450亿美元,将比去年增加15亿美元,预计今年美国农产品贸易出超将达170亿美元。1995年,美国谷物出口总额将上升 The U.S
孕妇26岁,孕23周。检查设备为HPImagePoint数字式彩超,凸阵探头,频率2.5~5.5MHz。彩超检查所见:单胎头位,双顶径6.2cm,颅骨光环完整,侧脑室宽度正常,脑中线不偏移,左侧脑实质紧贴侧脑室外侧壁处见1.8cm×1.3cm×1.1... Pregnant wo