2015年9月2日,由斐雪派克携手美国《室内设计》中文版杂志共同举办的“Social Kitchen·设计与美食”设计师沙龙活动,在深圳市华侨城派意馆拉开帷幕。本次活动很荣幸邀请到国际著名设计师、PAL设计事务所创办人及首席设计师梁景华先生,斐雪派克中国区总经理宋吉军先生,香港Opera House意大利餐厅总经理及主厨、国际美酒美食嘉年华食品及饮品总监Alberto Alboreggia先生等嘉宾。此次设计师沙龙活动旨在为国内设计师搭建更为广泛的交流平台,希望通过学习、分
On September 2, 2015, Sharon, the designer of “Social Kitchen Design and Cuisine,” co-organized by Fisher & Pike in collaboration with the American magazine “Interior Design”, opened in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Patriotic Museum. The event is proud to invite Mr. Liang Jinghua, founder and chief designer of PAL Design Firm, Mr. Song Jijun, general manager of FIRE & PICK China, the president and chef of Italian restaurant Opera House in Hong Kong, the international gourmet food carnival Alberto Alboreggia, Director of Food and Beverage, among others. The salon activities designed to domestic designers to build a more extensive exchange platform, hope that through learning, points