
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BluePenguin
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一、前言 森林连续清查在我国已普遍开展,内业计算工作量颇大,而且随着复查期数的增加,进入多期抽样,内业计算工作量将愈来愈大,愈来愈复杂。因此,内业计算分析工作电算化乃是必由之路。我们结合广西的点抽样连续清查初查和复查研制了此电算程序,外业只需按规定记载样点的地类、样木胸径,水平距离和树种等所需信息,内业按此程序全部由TQ—16机一次直接完成各项计算工作,主要包括:样木材积;各个样点分树种的以及总的蓄积和各种生长量,消耗量;分别树种、林种、龄组和地区以及汇总的森林现况、变化动态和精度分析数据;还有株数和蓄积按粗度级分配的数据等等。总之包括了连续清查内业计算所需一切数据,并把成果打印成可以直接上报的报表形式。 此程序已被用于处理广西连续清查数据,部分典型计算成果经与手算验证对比,证明无误。 I. Introduction Forests continuous inventory has been carried out in our country. The workload of internal business is quite large. With the increase of the number of reviewing periods, the multi-period sampling will increase the workload of internal business and will become more and more complex. Therefore, the calculation of computer industry analysis is the only way. We combined Guangxi point sampling continuous inventory of the initial investigation and review of the development of this computer program, the field of industry just recorded according to the provisions of the sample land, DBH, tree species and other information needed, the industry according to this program TQ-16 machine all completed the calculation work directly at a time, including: sample wood volume; each sample point of the tree species and the total volume and all kinds of growth and consumption; respectively species, species, age groups and regions As well as a summary of forest status, dynamics of change and precision analysis data; and number of stocks and accumulation of data by coarseness and so forth. In short, including the continuous inventory of all data required for the calculation of the industry, and print the results into a report form can be directly reported. This program has been used to process Guangxi continuous inventory data, some of the typical calculation results compared with the hand verification, proved correct.
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