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一、目标制订有层次性,克服“一刀切”层次性的教学目标,是根据学生之间的差异,能让不同的学生通过自我的努力和付出,都达到自己的目标。如,体操教学中的联合动作,在制订教学目标时,应根据学生的身体素质,分层次提出不同的教学目标。其中,素质好的学生达到能控制好动作的节奏,做到动作正确、协调连贯、没有多余的动作;素质中等的学生,能较好地控制动作节奏,动作较正确连贯,允许偶尔出现多余动作;素质差的学生,在不考虑动作节奏 First, the goal of the development of a hierarchical, to overcome “one size fits all ” level of teaching objectives, according to the differences between students, allowing different students through their own efforts and pay, to achieve their goals. For example, gymnastics teaching in the joint action in the formulation of teaching objectives, should be based on the physical quality of students, different levels of teaching goals. Among them, good quality students to control the rhythm of good action, so that the correct action, coordinated coherence, there is no extra action; medium quality students can better control the pace of action, the action is more correct and coherent, allowing occasional extra movement Poor students, regardless of the pace of action
欧洲空间局日前宣布,将开始研制新型重型空天运载工具,这种被称为“Skylon”的空天飞行器,可通过新型发动机技术将该飞行器送入轨道。从外形上看,概念型 The European Space
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【摘要】多媒体辅助历史教学,使学习方式变得多种多样,学习内容变得生动有趣。为了充分发挥多媒体计算机辅助历史教学的优势,更好的提高课堂教学效果,笔者建议在历史教学中使用多媒体要恰到好处。  【关键词】多媒体 历史教学 整合  【中图分类号】G633.51 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)01-0167-01  多媒体计算机辅助历史教学,可以集中优秀的教育教学经验,使学习方
Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology in medicine and is a revolutionary area in medical diagnostics and therapeutics using nanoscientific materials
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It is found that 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin(TPPS),which is known to form J aggregates in water under low pH value,acts as a template for t