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探究性教学主要是指在教学过程中,转变传统课堂教学垄断式的老师讲授方式,将学生作为课堂学习的主体,在教学中设置灵活的探究性活动,提高学生课程的参与度,为学生营造和谐、开放式的教学环境,激发学生的学习热情,充分调动其学习兴趣,在探究的过程中帮助其独立思考的意识,强化对其综合素质的培养,引导学生形成自主学习的观念,促成其合作意识的树立。由于数学学科本身便是一门较为注重理性思维的学科,将探究性的教学方式运用于初中数学教学中,不仅能够强化学生的主体学习地位,提高课 Exploratory teaching mainly refers to the transformation of the monopoly teaching style of traditional classroom teaching in the teaching process. Students are taken as the main body of classroom learning. Flexible inquiry activities are set in the teaching to increase students’ participation in the course and create a benefit for the students. A harmonious and open teaching environment stimulates students’ enthusiasm for learning and fully mobilizes their interest in learning. In the process of inquiry, they help their independent thinking, strengthen the cultivation of their comprehensive qualities, and guide students to form the concept of self-learning and promote their development. Establish a sense of cooperation. Since the mathematics discipline itself is a discipline that is more concerned with rational thinking, applying inquiry teaching methods to mathematics teaching in junior high schools can not only strengthen students’ subject learning status, but also improve
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课外阅读是学生实现知识增长与生命成长的一条极为重要的途径,有效开展课外阅读是每一个语文老师义不容辞的责任,为此不少语文人都做出了许多有益的探讨。本人认为,课外阅读需要一个浓郁的阅读氛围,如何营造浓郁的阅读氛围是一个重要课题,本人基于实践对课外阅读两极氛围——家庭氛围和学校氛围的营造做了如下探索:  家庭氛围  父母是学生的第一任老师,家庭的耳濡目染、父母的身体力行给以孩子的影响是巨大的,尤其是生活
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