
来源 :国外医学(物理医学与康复学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolyangbo
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周围血管疾病,包括血管痉挛性疾患和解剖学上的血管闭塞性疾患,现仍是治疗上的难题。现行一些治疗方法,往往疗效短暂,而且常是引起疼痛和侵害性的措施。中枢神经的刺激疗法(硬膜内、硬膜外或在后根处放置电极)据观察可以增加周围血管血流并减轻某些血管疾病引起的疼痛。作者所在单位,对两名反射性交感神经性营养障碍的儿童采用经皮电刺激(TENS)已收到减轻症状,从温度记录仪上证明它可提高皮肤温度和使患者确实增加血流的效果。不过,在其它一些学者应用此法治疗血管疾病的报道中,不论是止痛、提高皮温以及增加周围血流方面,取得的效果不尽相同。各家研究时的观察对象数差异悬殊,治疗电流的特性、极性、频率各研究之间也无统一的标准。实际上,这些不同的电流参数对于血流的影响至今还未充分明确。对于血管刺激作用的研究,在健康人身上进行应该比在病人身上更便于观察。对照观察,尤其是对血管活性药物远期作用的对照研究,在健康者中进行亦更为方便。但是, Peripheral vascular disease, including vasospastic disorders and anatomical vascular occlusive disorders, is still a therapeutic problem. Some of the current treatment methods, often curative effect is short, and often cause pain and invasive measures. CNS stimulation (placement of electrodes in the epidural, epidural or posterior roots) has been observed to increase peripheral blood flow and relieve pain associated with certain vascular diseases. The author’s unit used two transreflective sympathetic dystrophy children with transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) to relieve symptoms and to demonstrate from temperature loggers that it increases skin temperature and actually increases blood flow to the patient . However, some other scholars apply this method in the treatment of vascular diseases reported, whether it is to relieve pain, increase skin temperature and increase peripheral blood flow, the effect achieved is not the same. There was no significant difference in the number of subjects in each study, and there was no uniform standard between the studies on the characteristics, polarity and frequency of the treatment current. In fact, the influence of these different current parameters on the blood flow is not yet fully understood. Research on the effects of blood vessels should be easier to observe in healthy people than in patients. Controlled studies, especially the long-term effects of vasoactive drugs, are also more convenient in healthy individuals. but,
应用模态分析的基本原理,提出了扭叶片模态测试的方法。对国产300 MW汽轮机低压级的扭叶片进行自振频率与振型的测试与分析,将所得的测试结果与有限元计算结果比较,结果相吻
作者自1982年10月以来,试用抗胆碱药氢溴酸苯甲托品(benztropine hydrobromide,简称苯甲托品)治疗痫癫21例。21例均经临床确诊,其中13例曾长期系统地应用过各种抗癲痫药物治
作者就所经验的360例猝死尸检资料进行了法医病理学研究,发现: 1.猝死具有显著的性别差和年龄差:男为女的2倍,40~50岁年龄组性别差达3倍强; The author of the experience o
临床资料本组200例中,男141例,女59例;脑出血56例,200例临床疗效,基本治愈116例(58%)显效21 Clinical data The group of 200 cases, 141 males and 59 females; cerebral
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Fahr综合征甚为少见,其特点是底节尤其是苍白球的两侧对称性钙化,病因很多。 病例报告 男,17岁,学生。因四肢阵发性麻木,发作性肢体强直伴意识障碍1年余,阵发性肢体不自主动