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  Hi, I am Natasha Obama. I am an American girl. I am 10. Do you know me?
  Here is a photo of my family. This is my father Barack Obama. He is the president (总统) of the USA now. And the girl next to (紧挨着) him is me. That is my mother Michelle Obama. She is very nice, isn’t she? Who is that girl? Oh, she is my elder sister. Her name is Malia Ann Obama. She is 13. And we have a special (特别的) family member. He is in the photo, too. Do you see him? Ha ... he is our dog, Bo Obama.
  1. Obama is Natasha’s last name.
  2. Natasha’s mother is the president of the USA now.
  3. The girl next to Obama is Malia Ann.
  4. Bo Obama is Natasha’s brother.
  5. The underlined word “elder” means “年长的” in Chinese.
  I am Frank. Peter is my cousin. He is not a tidy boy. He doesn’t like to clean (打扫) his room, and his things are always everywhere in his room.
  Now look at his room. Two computer games, some books, some tapes and a watch are on the desk. His schoolbag and pencil box are under the bed. On his bed you can see an ID card, some CDs and four pencils. Under his chair are an eraser, a ruler and two books. And you can see his clothes (衣服) everywhere — on the chair, on the bed, under the desk and on the floor. His room is in a great mess!
  1. Who is Peter?
  A. Frank’s brother.
  B. Frank’s father.
  C. Frank’s cousin.
  D. Frank’s friend.
  2. What isn’t on the desk?
  A. A clock.
  B. Two computer games.
  C. Some tapes.
  D. Some books.
  3. Where is the pencil box?
  A. Under the desk.
  B. Under the chair.
  C. On the bed.
  D. Under the bed.
  4. What does the underlined word mean in Chinese?
  A. 干净 B. 脏乱
  C. 漂亮 D. 舒适
  5. Which is NOT true?
  A. Peter doesn’t like to clean his room.
  B. Four pencils are on his bed.
  C. You can see Peter’s clock on the desk.
  D. Frank thinks Peter is not tidy.
  My name is Jimmy. I have three friends Lily, Bill and Linda. We like collecting things. And here are our collections.
  1. Who has sports collection?
  A. Jimmy. B. Bill.
  C. Linda. D. A and B.
  2. What collection does Linda have?
  A. Sports. B. Balls.
  C. Pens. D. Dolls.
  3. How does Bill get his collection?
  A. From his parents.   B. From his classmates.
  C. From his friends.
  D. He buys them.
  4. What does the underlined word “buy” mean in Chinese?
  A. 买 B. 积攒 C. 交换 D. 奖励
  5. Which is TRUE?
  A. Jimmy has 15 erasers.
  B. Bill has 8 ping-pong balls.
  C. Lily gets her collection from her parents.
  D. Linda doesn’t like dolls.
  Hi, my name is Amy. I am 12. In my family, I have my parents and my sister. They love me very much. Today is Sunday, and I don’t go to school. To thank my family for their love, I want to cook a great dinner for them.
  I know my father likes chicken and hamburgers, so I make (制作) a very delicious (美味的) chicken hamburger for him. My mother likes vegetables. She thinks they are healthy. So I make vegetable salad for her. My sister, Lucy, is a nice girl, but she is fat. She wants to be thin. So I make her fruit salad. And I like rice and eggs, and I cook them for myself.
  1. What does Amy want to do for her family?
  A. Make salad.
  B. Make chicken hamburgers.
  C. Cook a great dinner.
  D. Buy some food.
  2. What does Amy’s father like?
  A. Chicken.
  B. Eggs.
  C. Hamburgers.
  D. A and C.
  3. What does Amy make for her sister?
  A. Fruit salad. B. Vegetable salad.
  C. Eggs. D. Rice.
  4. What does the underlined word “thin” mean in Chinese?
  A. 漂亮的 B. 瘦的
  C. 高的 D. 年轻的
  5. What’s the best title (标题) for the passage?
  A. My family. B. A great dinner for my family.
  C. A photo of my family.
  D. My friends.
  I’m Du Yufan. I’m a student in Class One, Grade One at Shangdu Primary School(小学), Anhui. My school is not big. You can see only one classroom in it. In the classroom, you can see three students and a teacher. The three students are He Donghui, Tang Xiaolu and me. Donghui and I are boys. Tang Xiaolu is a girl. We are all six years old. Our teacher’s name is Tang Quanyou. He is 60 years old. Every day we have Chinese, math, art, music, P.E. and science with the help of Mr Tang. Every day Mr Tang is very tired but he is very happy. After class Mr Tang usually plays basketball with us. When it rains(下雨), he plays games with us in the classroom. Mr Tang’s wife(妻子)is also at school with us. She’s very friendly to us. We all like her.
  1. In Du Yufan’s classroom, you can see
  students.   A. thirty B. thirteen
  C. three D. two
  2. At school Du Yufan doesn’t learn
  A. science B. English
  C. art D. music
  3. This passage tells us Mr Tang can
  A. play chess B. play the piano
  C. play basketball D. play football
  4. The underlined word “friendly” means
  in Chinese.
  A. 友好的 B. 严厉的
  C. 羞涩的 D. 陌生的
  5. Which of the following is TRUE?
  A. Du Yufan is a girl.
  B. Tang Xiaolu is seven years old.
  C. Mr Tang’s wife is also a teacher.
  D. There is only one classroom at Shangdu Primary School.
  Peter is an English boy, but he lives(居住)in Rizhao with his parents. His father’s name is Frank, and his mother’s name is Maria. Frank is 38 and works(工作)at a hotel. Maria is 35 and works at a clothes store. Peter is 13. He is in Class Four, Grade Seven. Lots of students are in his class, sixteen boys and twelve girls. Zhao Kai and Liu Min are Peter’s good friends. They are in Class Four with Peter. They often help Peter with Chinese and Peter helps them with English.
  Peter’s Chinese teacher is Mrs Gao. She is a very good teacher. Her classes are very interesting. Peter loves her. And she loves Peter, too.
  1. Frank is years older than (比……大)Maria.
  A. 38 B. 35 C. 13 D. 3
  2. Where does Maria work?
  A. At a hotel. B. At a clothes store.
  C. At a school. D. At a food store.
  3. students are in Peter’s class.
  A. Sixteen B. Twelve
  C. Twenty-eight D. Thirty
  4. Who is Mrs Gao?
  A. Peter’s mother.
  B. Peter’s good friend.
  C. Peter’s English teacher.
  D. Peter’s Chinese teacher.
  5. What can we know from the passage?
  A. Peter is Frank and Maria’s son.
  B. Peter is in Class Four, Grade Six.
  C. Peter often helps Zhao Kai and Liu Min with Chinese.
  D. Peter doesn’t like Mrs Gao.
  A.1—5 TFFFT B.1—5 CADBC
  C.1—5 DCCAB D.1—5 CDABB
  E.1—5 CBCAD F.1—5 DBCDA
Monkey owns a mending shop. He fixes ripped clothes with his needle and thread. One day a wealthy cat ran into his shop.  Cat was sweating and out of breath. Her heavy coat was ripped. The hat on her 
There were twelve brothers who fell out with their father, and all twelve of them left home. They built themselves a house in the woods and made their living as carpenters. Meanwhile their parents had
1.A little girl was walking across a grassland when she saw a butterfly was hurt by the thorns. She pulled the thorns out of the butterfly’s body with great care and let it fly away into the clusters 
我国古代大思想家孟子曾说:车无辕不行,人无信不立。诚信作为中华民族的传统美德,千百年来一直被视为为人之本。  相信朋友们不会忘记昏庸无能的周幽王为了博得褒妣一笑,竟命人点燃烽火台。他虽如愿以偿了,可失去了对众将士乃至老百姓的信誉,连最起码的尊严和威信都失掉了。因小失大,周幽王因失了诚信而失了天下。而汉高祖刘邦谨守自己与吴中三老的“约法三章”,赢得了楚汉争霸战的胜利;晋文公恪守当年与楚的诺言,退避三
【原文】  有月光,我们就不慌  李丹崖  看过一个句子,叫“月光洗尘”。  月色如水,掬一捧月光,洗去连日征程中的疲惫,洗去心坎上庸俗的负累,洗去争逐,洗去怨愤。辽阔的星空里,淡淡的一丸月,透射下来的却是如此渊博的目光,我们就在这样明朗的蓝色母体里思索、寻找、顿悟。  有月光的晚上,我常常想起童年时光,我和父亲、母亲、妹妹一家人坐在竹床上喝一锅红薯片儿粥的情景,爸爸一边喝粥,一边给我们讲故事,院
【作家简介】  大仲马(1802—1870),19世纪法国浪漫主义作家,被法国人称为“文坛火枪手”。他一生创作的各种著作达三百卷之多,主要以小说和剧作为主。他的作品主要有《三个火枪手》《基督山伯爵》《亨利第三及其宫廷》等。  大仲马在文学史上的地位非常牢固。他的作品的社会意义虽不能同巴尔扎克、司汤达相比,但他拥有的读者的数量却很可能大大超过了这两位大师;可能很少有读者读巴尔扎克的作品能到不能入睡的
【原文】  姥姥和奶奶的战争  郭爱萍  奶奶今年90岁,姥姥80岁。  我是姥姥一手带大的,小时候,我对奶奶没有特别的记忆。  奶奶不喜欢东北人,而我的母亲恰恰是她唯一的东北儿媳妇。不记得她抱过我们,只感觉她缠足的小脚远没有姥姥搪瓷缸里的假牙可爱。和姥姥那种与生俱来的亲切相比,对奶奶,更多的是敬畏。  爷爷病逝后,奶奶被父亲接到我家。也许从那时起,血浓于水的亲情慢慢渗透,当我终于能听懂奶奶的山东
一元一次方程是数学的重要内容之一,解一元一次方程的方法较多,下面结合例题介绍巧解一元一次方程的方法.  一、观察法  有些一元一次方程,由于方程的结构特点,它的解“很明显”,通过观察就可得到方程的解.
我们时常会听到有的同学说:“我已经说过n次了.”这个n有什么含义呢?相信大家都知道.那让我们来看看用字母代替数字都有哪些好处吧.  1. 用字母表示定律、公式  用字母表示数,可以把一些定律、公式简明地表示出来.例如,“两数相乘,交换因数的位置,其积不变”这条定律就可以用字母表示为ab=ba.又如S=■ah简明地表达了三角形的底边长、高、面积之间的关系.  2.用字母表示规律  例1 有一列数A