加速技术改造步伐 迅速提高经济效益

来源 :家用电器科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhaohai
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北京电冰箱厂前身为北京市医疗器械厂,是五二年建立起来的,当时以生产医疗器械为主。因医疗的需要,我厂五六年开始试制医用冰箱,五八年小批投入生产。七八年经过产品调整,冷冻、医疗产品转至其它厂家生产,本厂改为电冰箱生产专业厂。在各级领导的支持与帮助下,通过全厂职工的艰苦努力,七一年到八○年产值每年递增14.73%,产量每年递增20.6%,利润每年递增11.25%,八○年电冰箱产量达到2.5万台。 Beijing Refrigerator Factory formerly known as the Beijing Medical Device Factory was established in 1956, when it focused on the production of medical devices. Due to the need of medical treatment, our factory began trial production of medical refrigerators in May or May, and started production in small batches in 1985. After product adjustment in 1978, frozen and medical products were transferred to other manufacturers. The factory was changed to a refrigerator factory. With the support and help of leaders at all levels, through the hard work of all factory workers, the output value has increased by 14.73% annually from July to August, the output has increased by 20.6% annually, and the profit has increased by 11.25% annually. In 2008, the refrigerator output reached 25,000 units.
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作为国家大力扶持的文化创意产业,游戏产业近两年来呈爆炸式增长。重庆要成功实现由文化大市变为文化强市的华丽转身,在培育发展文化创意产业中,有必要注意国内游戏产业的这一发展趋势,适应移动智能终端的普及和带宽的提速,紧跟移动游戏产业增加量提升迅猛的发展态势,不失时机的发展壮大全市移动游戏产业。  一、国产游戏产业已完成移动化布局  自2011年以来,我国传统的电脑网页客户端游戏(简称端游)市场同比增长率