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目的对阿拉山口口岸中小学生体质健康状况、发展趋势及对小学生生长发育进行动态观察和研究,为学生常见病的防治和促进学生生长发育提供科学依据。方法按照《学校卫生工作条例》要求阿拉山口口岸中小学生进行体质健康普查。结果 2007—2011学年全口岸中、小学生的体检无异常率有所上升,视力不良和恒牙龋齿检出率有所降下,说明学生体质健康状况有一定的改善。小学生形态发育指标,随着年龄的增加而增长。结论中、小学生体质健康有一定改善,但小学生生长发育情况不容乐观,建议今后要巩固现有的成果,并争取进一步提高,切实加强健康教育和体育卫生工作。 Objective To study the physical health and development trend of primary and secondary school students in Alashankou Port and the growth and development of primary school students, and to provide scientific evidences for the prevention and treatment of common diseases and the promotion of students’ growth and development. Methods According to the “School Health Regulations” required Alashankou primary and secondary school students to conduct physical health survey. Results During the 2007-2011 school year, no abnormalities in the physical examination among primary and secondary school students were found. The abnormal visual acuity and the detection rate of permanent teeth dental caries decreased slightly, indicating that students’ physical health improved to a certain extent. Primary school students morphological indicators, with the increase of age and growth. Conclusions Primary and secondary school students’ physical health has been somewhat improved. However, the growth and development of primary school students are not optimistic. It is suggested that the existing achievements should be consolidated in the future and efforts should be made to further improve and strengthen health education and sports hygiene.
本试验于2016—2018年小麦生长季在山东省泰安市道朗镇玄庄村(E116°54′,N36°12′)大田进行。山东省当前大面积推广的高产冬小麦品种山农29为试验材料。采用裂区设计,以灌溉方式为主区,设置微喷补灌(MSI)和传统畦灌(BI)2个处理;氮素水平为副区,设置两个施氮量处理,分别为192 kg ha-1(N1,比传统施氮减少20%)和240 kg ha-1(N2,传统施氮量)。探索不同水氮
目的 系统评价经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)联合槐耳颗粒治疗原发性肝癌的疗效与安全性。方法 通过计算机检索PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library、万方、知网、维普数据库中有