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《人民日报》(海外版),中央电视台和其他传媒报道了我与蒋纬国的交往后,不少人问起:你过去是否和蒋纬国就认识?否。我是广西壮族人,蒋是浙江汉族人;他今年80岁,我60有3;他在国民党是上将军衔时,我在解放军是个连级干部;他去台湾后我才当兵,彼此既未在战场上兵戎相见,亦未在酒桌上把盏言欢;既无血缘亦非亲故;既非同学、同僚亦不同党。那末,又是怎么扯起了这个关系的呢?缘由一幅国画引起: 那是1993年5月,《红荔》第5期曾刊登了上海文史馆馆员著名画家厉国香女士的一幅国画——《溪口二别墅图》。这份报被在深圳投资的台商带到了台湾,又传到了画家李登胜博士手上。李博士见有《溪口二别墅图》,便送去给蒋纬国先生看。据李博士来电话告知,蒋先生当时看了之后心情很激动,眼圈都红了。这是可以理解的,蒋先生1949年离开大陆时,“二别墅”被日寇炸毁后仍未修复,解放后由人民政府出资按原貌重建。蒋先生也是有血有肉的人,触景生情,怎能不激动呢!他还就作品的画面指着向周围的人介绍说:过去我常和一些小朋友站在这里看我哥哥游泳哩!可见其思故乡、念故人之情缠绵切切。出于同情,当时我就在电话中告诉李博士:请转告蒋纬国先生,若 After People’s Daily (Overseas Version), CCTV and other media reported about my contacts with Jiang Weiguo, many people asked whether you had known Jiang Weiguo with you in the past or not. I am a Guangxi Zhuang nationality and Jiang is a Han nationality in Zhejiang province. He is 80 years old this year and I have 60.3. When he was a general of the Kuomintang, I was a party-level cadre in the People’s Liberation Army. When he went to Taiwan, I was a soldier and both were They did not meet on the battlefield, neither did they say anything at the wine table. They were neither relatives nor relatives. They were neither classmates nor their colleagues or parties. The reason is a Chinese painting caused by: that is May 1993, “Red Lai” No. 5 has published a Shanghai Museum of Art librarian famous painter Miss Li Guoxiang a painting - - “Xikou two villa map.” The newspaper was brought to Taiwan by Taiwanese businessmen who invested in Shenzhen and passed on to the painter Dr. Lee Teng-shing. Dr. Lee see “Xikou two villa map”, they will be sent to see Mr. Jiang Weiguo. According to Dr. Li phone to inform, Mr. Jiang was very excited after seeing it, eyes are red. This is understandable. When Mr. Jiang left the mainland in 1949, his “two villas” were still not repaired after being destroyed by the Japanese invaders and were rebuilt by the people’s government after the liberation. Mr. Jiang is also a flesh-and-blood, touching the scene, how can we not excited it! He also on the picture of the work to the people around to introduce said: In the past I often stand here and some children to see my brother swimming! Can be seen hometown of thought, Read the feelings of the deceased people touching. Out of sympathy, I told Dr. Lee on the phone at the time: Please tell Mr. Jiang Weiguo, if
全省地质构造,按照地质历史分析法,可以青峰断裂、三里岗—平坝断裂和沿江断裂为界分为两大区,其北为秦岭地槽褶皱系的东端,其南为扬子准地台的一部分。 秦岭地槽褶皱系的东