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文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,以2004年到2014年高校武术教育国际化方面的文献为样本,进行定量与定性分析。研究结果表明:从宏观上来看武术国际化方面的相关研究整体呈上升态势,然而具体到高校武术教育国际化方面的相关研究却发展平平,以个位数的数量呈缓慢增长态势,研究成果为高校武术教育国际化具有一定的参考和借鉴价值,但整体研究质量有待加强。同时,建议今后应拓宽研究广度,加大研究深度。从武术国际化递进到高校武术教育国际化,从高校教学环境、高校教学政策、高校教学大纲、高校课程设置、高校留学生教育、高校双语教学、高校信息化等几大路径进行深入探讨与研究,以期为我国高校的武术国际化教育出谋划策提出可行性建议。 By using the methods of literature review and logical analysis, the article makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the internationalization of Wushu education in colleges and universities from 2004 to 2014. The results show that: from the macroscopical point of view, the related research on the internationalization of Wushu is generally on the rise. However, the related researches on the internationalization of Wushu education in colleges and universities have been developing steadily with single-digit numbers showing a slow growth trend. The research results are Internationalization of Wushu education in colleges and universities has some reference and reference value, but the overall research needs to be strengthened. In the meantime, the suggestion should broaden the research scope and increase the research depth in the future. From internationalization of Wushu to internationalization of Wushu education in colleges and universities, this paper makes in-depth study and research from the following aspects: teaching environment in colleges and universities, teaching policies at colleges and universities, syllabus of colleges and universities, setting of curriculum in colleges and universities, education of overseas students in colleges and universities, bilingual education in colleges and universities, and informationization in colleges and universities , With a view to making recommendations for the internationalization of martial arts education in colleges and universities in our country.
[摘 要] 科学的启蒙教育对一个人的成长发展至关重要,学前教育物理教学力求让幼儿园的孩子形成独立思考的行为习惯,这就需要老师在教学过程中,善于鼓励孩子,激发孩子对物理学习的学习积极性,培养孩子解决问物理问题的能力。  [关 键 词] 中职师范;物理;学前教育;职业  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)04-0107-01  就学前教育方面而言
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