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2BQ—6型播种机是一种多用途、全悬挂式农具。在使用新机具时,除按说明书中的要求进行安装调整、使用保养外,还应注意以下几点: 1.安装播种机前应仔细检查各部件是否齐全,是否有断裂。如有应及时配齐或维修。因有些机具露天放置时间长,泥土等杂物较多,因此安装前要清除杂物,特别是各传动部件中的锥齿轮,更应仔细清除齿内的杂物,以免影响齿间啮合,造成播种不均。 2.用铁牛—55型拖拉机牵引时,播种机万向传动轴的管头宽度比上悬挂架挂接处的宽度宽8mm左右,无法挂接。因此应把管头对称磨去4mm左右,以便挂接。另外,播种机万向传动轴的桃形管过长,使播种机提升过低。必须截去,一般应截150mm左右。 3.播种机安装好后,一定要检查各传动部分的传动灵活性。并依次对各黄油嘴加注黄油,以及对四连杆机构(前后)联结处注机油。使各传动部件充分润滑。特别是风机组件,因其皮带轮最高转速可达4400转/分,因此,不仅要在安装时注油,作业中,每工作两个班次都应注泊,以防磨损,影响风机吸种。 4.播种前,应清理种子中的杂质,以免杂质过多堵塞气吸管,造成排种不均。 5.播种过程中,车速应按所选择的传动比匀速前进,并将液压手柄放在“浮动”位置。铁牛—55型拖拉机牵引作业时,其动力输出轴转速不能低,即不能 2BQ-6 planter is a multi-purpose, full-hanging farm tools. In the use of new equipment, in addition to the instructions required for installation and adjustment, use and maintenance, but also pay attention to the following points: 1. Before installing the planter should carefully check the components are complete, whether there is a fracture. If it should be timely or repair. Because some machines have been exposed to the open air for a long time and there are many debris such as dirt, it is necessary to remove debris before installation, especially the bevel gears of the transmission components. The debris in the teeth should be carefully removed so as not to affect the meshing between the teeth, resulting in Uneven planting. 2. Tractor with Tractor -55 tractor, seeder universal drive shaft head width than the width of the hanging hanger width of about 8mm, can not be articulated. Therefore, the pipe head should be symmetrical mill to about 4mm, in order to mount. In addition, the seeder universal drive shaft of the peach tube is too long, so planter lift too low. Must be truncated, generally should be about 150mm. 3. After the seeder is installed, be sure to check the transmission part of the transmission flexibility. And in turn butter each butter nozzle, as well as four-bar linkage (front and rear) at the injection of oil. So that the transmission parts fully lubricated. Especially the fan components, because of its maximum speed of the pulley up to 4400 rev / min, therefore, not only in the installation of oil, work, work for each shift should be registered in two to prevent wear and tear, affecting the suction blower. 4. Before sowing, the seeds should be cleaned of impurities, so as not to cause excessive impurities blocking the gas pipette, resulting in uneven rowing. 5. Seeding process, the speed should be selected at a constant transmission ratio, and the hydraulic handle on the “floating” position. Tractor tractor iron tractor -55, the power output shaft speed can not be low, that is not
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一、潜水泵的选择 1、扬程高低:所选潜水泵标牌上的扬程应大于或等于实际扬程+(1~2>米+损失扬程(即实际扬程的1/10)。例如,实际扬程为20米高,那么应选潜水泵的扬程为20米+(1~2
军队财务在社会的不同发展背景下都会面临各种问题。鉴于此,本文先阐明了我军军队财务在管理方面的问题,后根据这些问题提出了具体的对策,以期为研究此课题的学者提供理论参考。  一、我军军队在财务管理方面遇到的问题  在国家发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,我军军队在财务管理方面遇到了各种各样的问题,其中最为明显的有以下几点:第一,市场经济的波动使得军费供应无法保持稳定,标准经费保障程度占比越来越低,使得供需