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Ⅰ. PHONETICS In this practice there are 10 sets of 4 words each. The 4 words are marked A), B), C) and D). In each set of words, 3 words have the same vowel sound but one does not. Choose the ONE that does not and blacken the corresponding letter. Example: A)say B)aaid C)lay D)great Sample answers A ● C D 1. A)repeat B)beat C)wheat D)weather 2. A)chemist B)chance C)check D)match 3. A)works B)forty C)born D)tortoise 4. A)weight B)eighteen C)neighbor D)height 5. A)hay B)railway C)says D)lay 6. A)have B)plan C)catch D)nation 7. A)hair B)dare C)fair D)gear 8. A)hear B)search C)research D)early 9. A)soul B)mouse C)loudly D)blouse 10. A)will B)bill C)till D)wild Ⅱ. Grammar In this practice there are 20 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A) B) C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter. Examples: This is the bus____________will take us to school. A)it B)who C)what D)which Sample I. PHONETICS In this practice there are 10 sets of 4 words each. The 4 words are marked A), B), C) and D). In each set of words, 3 words have the same vowel sound but one does not. Choose the ONE that does not and blacken the corresponding letter. Example: A)say B)aaid C)lay D)great sample answers A ● CD 1. A)repeat B)beat C)wheat D)weather 2. A)chemist B)chance C)check D)match 3. A)works B)forty C)born D)tortoise 4. A)weight B)eighteen C)neighbor D)height 5. A)hay B)railway C)says D) Lay 6. A) have B) plan C) catch D) nation 7. A) hair B)dare C)fair D)gear 8. A)hear B)search C)research D)early 9. A)soul B) Mouse C)loudly D)blouse 10. A)will B)bill C)till D)wild II. Grammar In this practice there are 20 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A) B) C)and D) . Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter. Examples: This is the bus____________will take us to school. A)it B)who C )
WHEN I was asked where my home was the name of the unknown county would always escape my lips. By then I had been in this fancy metropolis for quite a few year
商贸函[2008]34号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市和新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门,哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、西安、南京、武汉、成都、广州市商务主管部门: Business letter
黑龙江省大庆市萨尔图区的“鑫满亮”擦鞋行,在挣小钱中,却一不小心成了北方璀璨明珠大庆油田同行业的佼佼者。老板林静峰,涉足擦鞋、修鞋行业仅3年,就靠一流的服务,满意的质量,创新的技术,把小生意做大,发展了11家连锁店,并创下百万身家……    无头苍蝇,乱飞乱撞闯世界    1989年,16岁的林静峰,认为自己不是读书的料,便从内蒙古乌兰浩特的郊区私自跑到了在大庆做买卖的表哥家。表哥当时正缺人手,把
On the first day of Spring Festival people remove the statue of god but leave only a mask there instead to garrison the place from evils. On the first day of
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