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哈萨克斯坦农业部部长阿基尔别克·库里什巴耶夫在首届国际农业投资论坛上称,哈国拥有丰富的土地、劳动力和物质资源,如果再采用现代生产技术,那么近期内就有可能使粮食产量和出口量翻一番。他说,目前哈国每年生 Kazakh Minister of Agriculture Kyrshbayev stated at the first International Agricultural Investment Forum that Kazakhstan has abundant land, labor, and material resources. If modern production technologies are used, it will be possible in the near future. Double food output and exports. He said that at present, Kazakhstan is born every year.
1994年6月25日举行的“非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程统一考试(GET B9406)”的英译汉部分,是一篇由四个句子组成的论述文。对于考试中心提供的参考译文,我个人以为未达
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MY nationality, the Zhuang nationality, has the largest population among the minority nationalities in China, the population being 15.49 million. In my hometow
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The leaves are all fallen,Laying bare the villageAnd the crows’ nest in the tree.People’s eyes are suddenly magnified,Like the suddenly broadened fields. Th
CRAIG, a close friend of mine in graduate school, brought energy and life into any room he entered. He focused his entire attention on you while you were talki
A million new inhabitants will arrive on our planet every four to five days by the 2000. In terms of sheer numbers the population then will be growing faster t