1 搞好行政复议工作是卫生行政机关诉讼代理人员的一项重要职责行政复议是指公民、法人或其他组织不服有关行政机关的行政处罚或者其他处理决定,依法阳原处理机关或其上级机关提出申诉,由原行政机关或上级机关对该行政处理决定是否合法与适当重新进行审议并做出裁
1 A good administrative reconsideration work is an important responsibility of health administrative agencies litigation agents Administrative reconsideration refers to citizens, legal persons or other organizations against administrative penalties or other handling decisions of administrative organs, according to the law of Yangyuan processing authority or its higher authorities Appeal, the original administrative organ or higher authority on the administrative decision whether the lawful and appropriate to re-examine and make the decision