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  上海海事大学副校长金永兴教授发表演讲,谈论了关于他们学校培养高素质海员的先进教学理念。应对上述问题,金教授提出了以下对策:1) 明确目标,提升航海教育培训理念。依据“视教育质量为生命,严谨治学,发扬航运特色,培养一流人才”的质量方针培养航海人才。2) 系统发展,全方位进行航海教育和培训能力建设。其认为为了满足海员的教育培训需求,一定要对师资,训练和实验设备,系统的教学资料等方面进行进一步的培养、开发研究和应用。3)持续有效运行航海教育和培训质量体系。海员的教育培训质量管理体系,包括质量管理体系运行与改进理论,以及软硬件和其相互关系。特别注重不断将各种新的技术规范要求并入这一体系。4) 沟通合作,开拓创新,积极响应航运界对高质量航海人才的需求。以不同培养模式,不同培养标准的航海教育和培训服务,满足国际国内航运公司的需求。目前,学校直接涉及船员教育和培训的多个种类包括在职船员短训,本科水上专业和中外合作高职水上专业等。5)与其他一系列的学科如人为因素、人的心理、管理决策、风险控制技术等相联合开展“特色办学” 、“系统化”的船员教育和培训。
  上海海事局船员管理处副处长何君华就促进海员发展提出了几点建议:1)履行海事公约(STCW 公约马尼拉修正案),提高证书签发、签证与认可的审查要求,缔约国建立船员信息库,强化保证海员充分的休息时间,明确海员健康标准,明确培训和考核标准,颁布培训纲要和考试大纲,引进IMO示范课程、培训师资、探索企业船东参与培训课程设计。2)筹备中国海员招募中心,维护海员和用人单位的合法权益,向国内外船东推介高素质海员。
  中海集装箱运输股份有限公司副总经理冯幸国船长也就海员培养之路提出了建议:1) 海员职务培训与学历教育挂钩机制:航海实践与学历教育相结合。许多本科生就读航海专业并没有了解航海业的艰辛,因此在学习过程中应该为他们提供更多实践机会,让他们正式踏入工作岗位后能尽快适应,不会因为上船工作后不具备海员的基本素质而中途改行,造成航海教育资源的浪费。2) 企业、院校、个人、政府与社会联动机制:政府应加快海员政策的制定步伐,解决海员后顾之忧,壮大海员基础力量。企业必须转变观念,解决船长和海员的后顾之忧,让海员有归属感并全身心投入船舶工作。航海院校须进一步拓展航海教育资源的有效利用,为有志青年创造再学习、再提高的条件。船长及海员个人应当进一步提高个人素质和技能,全面提高责任心,自觉成为优秀的船员和海员。单位的合法权益,向国内外船东推介高素质海员。
  上海远洋运输有限公司副总经理徐允平船长结合其公司多年的实践,对船员人才培养计划提出了以下3点策略;1) 建立船员培训体系,做到分层、分职能培训,努力实现全员的培训覆盖。2)健全船员培训制度,保证培训计划有序实施。3)形成特色主题培训,开展“立足岗位、提高技能、争做高素质员工”活动。
  with the steady growth of the world economy and rapid development of the contemporary science and technology, the nautical science is developing rapidly and continuously improving as well. The main direction of developing nautical science in the 21st century is to make the vessel larger, more specialized, high speed, intelligent, low carbon and environmental friendly. The development will bring both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, the shipping technological content and the added value of vessels have increased steadily, thus the shipping safety and marine environmental protection have become increasingly demanding. On the other hand, the manning of ship has becoming more and more scarce, which requires the seafarers to have solid professional knowledge, skilled seamanship, stronger environmental safety and security awareness, healthy body and psychological quality. So the whole team of seafarers is facing very serious reality and challenges not only from themselves but also from external factors – such as piracy and criminalization.
  At present, the new and more urgent problem faced by the shipping industry is the decreasing number of high quality shipping talents and the increasing standards for working on board. The main reasons caused the problem are as follows:
  The rapid development of shipping economy caused the freshmen; in-service seafarers especially the high quality seafarers (who have high quality, learning ability, and high English level, proficient in marine business, have good experience at sea) have a range of career options on land.
  The society shows less respect and tolerance to the captains and seafarers, their status and importance of work are not fully accepted.
  The occupational environment of the captains and seafarers is becoming deteriorating; their rights to live and work could be constrained.
  Work on board has a big risk and it is very difficult. The seafarers need to have higher physical quality to adapt to the marine environment.
  According to this series of problems, the experts put forward their own ideas and solutions.
  Firstly, the vice president Mr. Jin Yongxing of Shanghai Maritime University made a speech to talk about their school’s advanced teaching philosophy to develop the high qualified seafarers. In order to tackle the above problems, he put forward the following countermeasures: 1. Set clear objectives and improve the understanding on maritime education and training. Based on the quality policy “quality is life of education, promote shipping characteristics, train outstanding talents” the university is committed to train high qualified professional seafarers. 2. Develop systematically and build up comprehensively the capacity of maritime education and training.
  To meet the training needs, those seafarers, maritime instructors, training and laboratory equipments, teaching materials etc need to be developed. 3. Link with other learning subjects such as maritime human factors; psychology; manage risk decision-making control etc to carry out “characterized and systematic” maritime education and training. 4. Operate maritime education and training quality system effectively.
  The entire seafarer’s quality management system for maritime education and training include operating and improving the system management, the software and hardware, they are all related to each other. And the university pays more attention to incorporate all kinds of technical specifications into the system. 5. Respond actively to the demands of qualified navigation talents by cooperation and innovation. The university is serving for the industry by providing different modes and standards of training to meet the needs of different shipping companies from all over the world.
  Secondly, the vice director Mr. He Junhua of Maritime Safety Administration provided some suggestions about how to promote seafarer’s development. 1. Implement maritime 7(Manila Amendments to STCW convention); Strengthen requirement on the approval of the issue, endorsement and recognition of certificates; Contracting parties to establish a seafarer data-base; Emphasize the time requirement to ensure sufficient time of rest for seafarers; Set up clear health standards of seafarers; Nail down standards for training and examination, publish outlines of training and guidelines of examination, introduce IMO module courses, training teachers, explore the methods of corporations and ship-owners participating training course design. 2. Launch the China seafarer recruitment center; protect the legitimate rights and interests of seafarers and employers, recommend high quality seafarers to Chinese and foreign ship owners.
  Next, the captain (vice general manager) Mr. Feng Xingguo of China Shipping Container Lines Co. Ltd. made a speech about the way of training. 1. Navigation practice and academic education are combined together; many undergraduate students did not understand the hardness of sailing when they specialized in maritime majors, when they got on board and found they didn’t have the basic qualities of seafarers and changed their careers, it makes the maritime education waste plenty of resources. So we should provide them with more opportunities to practice in the learning process to let them adapt to work as soon as possible. 2. Corporations, institutions, individuals, government and society form a linkage mechanism. The government shall expedite the pace of policy formulation for seafarers, address the worries and expand the base power of seafarers; Corporations shall change their ideas, show care in aspects of personality, business, life, family wage and skills etc of the captains and seafarers. Make the crew have a sense of belonging and engage themselves into shipping business; Maritime education and training institutions shall further develop the effective use of resources to create conditions for young people’s further learning and improvement; Captains, individual crew members shall further improve their personal qualities and skills, improve sense of responsibility to consciously become outstanding captain and seafarer.
  Then, the captain (vice general manager) Mr. Xu Yunping of Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company, Ltd. suggested several points about the training plan for seafarers. 1. Set up leveled rank based crew training system. 2. Optimize crew training system and ensure scheduled implementation. 3. Carry out special theme-training based on job position, enhance skills and strive to be high qualified employee.
  After that, the director Mr. Zheng Qiaozhi of Videotel Marine Asia Ltd. introduced the training solutions for international seafarers. The company has over 780 high quality video training programs; set the pace in the whole navigation training industry, over 35 years of experience. It not only provides the training in workplace (at sea and ashore) but also provides online training and test, the seafarers can participate in the training programs at any time, it is very convenient, they can get more professional knowledge and skills through the training, and also save a lot of training costs for shipping companies at the same time.
  At last, the captain Hamish Reid with his decades of sea experiences expressed his opinion about the development for seafarers. He thought, in the shipping industry, people will easily forget the words uttered by others. They might not forget the things they see with their own eyes. However, they will understand things thoroughly only through their own practice.
  The most important external factors from a threat to the shipping industry and international seafarers are the piracy and criminalization. The pirates’ scope is expanding, piracy seams to be outpacing the efforts of the international community to stem it. The situation of the coast of Somalia is completely unacceptable. The violence and hostage-taking have taken a great human toll, especially for seafarers. Piracy is also distorting the Somalia economy and disrupting shipping lines that are vital to people around the world.
  The president captain James Robinson of the Nautical Institution provided the solutions to solve the problem of piracy and criminalization. 1. Request more action at the UN to tackle the political problems of Somalia and increased naval intervention. 2. Hold a conference or seminar on the subject to raise awareness of the issues and develop cooperation and an exchange of ideas with navy. 3. Raise the awareness of the need for support of seafarers in piracy waters before, during and after capture and support for their families during the incarceration period.
  In addition, the Chief Executive of the Nautical Institution, Philip Wake, delivered a keynote speech to summarize the serious problems that the seafarers faced which are internal issues: competency, evolving technology, recruitment & retention, regulations and the external threat: criminalization, piracy & maritime security. He thought: the nautical science develop rapidly such as (ECDIS), so the industry faces a huge training need and this was clearly identified as a major challenge. Because of this, the institution set up the publications, open learning schemes as well as the accreditation services to the members to let them get more professional development both personally and as an industry wide need.
招商局有几位出身于舰长的船长,其中著名的船长有“中山”舰舰长章臣桐。  一、“中山”舰事件真相  “中山舰事件”是中国近代史上的重大事件。“中山舰事件”真是蒋介石制造的吗?看过章臣桐1965年8月亲笔叙述的“中山舰事件”史实,便能真相大白。   章臣桐生于1892年,江苏江阴人。1911年考入吴淞商船专科学校,不久吴淞海军学校吸收了章臣桐等11名学生作士官学员。他品学兼优,受到校长萨镇冰的好评,毕
DOI:10.16655/j.cnki.2095-2813.2016.29.005  摘 要:在全面教育改革的推动作用下,高校为积极适应高科技信息时代,跟上教育改革发展步伐,对足球课教学实施了一系列改革,并将与时俱进,重视学生个性发展与探究能力培养作为课程教学改革的重点。该文围绕探究式教学法,在对传统教学方法弊端分析的基础上,对探究式教学法在高校足球课教学改革中运用的可行性进行了分析,对探究式教法
摘 要:该文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对新疆高职院校公共体育课程实施学分制进行调查研究,对新疆高职院校体育场馆、体育师资、教务网络系统等方面进行分析。同时结合目前新疆高职院校公共体育课程教学的特点,设计了一套适用于高职院校体育学分制的课程结构、实施办法、评价制度。通过构建科学合理的体育教学模式,在新疆高职院校全面实施体育学分制,使高职院校的体育教学更能适应职业院校发展的要求。  关键