
来源 :今古传奇(故事版下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dream_624727
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晚上七点多,区长李德林接到了区公安分局孙局长的电话。放下电话,李德林气得站起来大骂:“这个不知死活的东西,早晚得给老子惹出大事来!”半个小时后,孙局长亲自开车来到李德林的家,一起进门的,还有李德林的独子李伟。李伟并没发现李德林的表情很难看,一屁股坐在沙发上骂骂咧咧地说:“这死老太太,还打110,她不知道我爸就是管警察的吗?”李德林大喝一声“:闭嘴!”李伟这才觉得气氛不对, At seven o’clock in the evening, the governor Li Delin received a telephone call from District Public Security Bureau Director Sun. Put down the phone, Li Delin angrily stood up and cursed: “This I do not know something alive, sooner or later, I have to stir up a big event! ” Half an hour later, Secretary Sun personally drive to Li Delin’s home, with the door There Li Wei’s only son Li Wei. Li Wei did not find Li Delin’s expression is very ugly, sat down on the sofa Mamalielie said: “This dead lady, also hit 110, she did not know my dad is the police?” “Li Delin shouted ”: Shut up!" Li Wei This atmosphere does not feel right,
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In December 2008, the Beijing-based People’s Daily, together with its website people.com.cn, launched a campaign to select Chinese citizens who had remarkable
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