维护新闻真实 杜绝失实报道——中共内江市委宣传部发出文件,要求维护新闻真实性

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今年以来,内江市接连出现一些严重失实的新闻报道。中共内江市委宣传部专门就这个问题发出文件,要求全市新闻工作者和广大通讯员坚决维护新闻报道的真实性原则。据内江市委宣传部有关文件中列举的材料,该市所属资中县文管所胡清友同志所写《喻培伦大将军纪念馆在内江市落成》的消息(刊于今年三月七日的《人民政协报》上,还有几家报、台也先后刊、播)全文仅二百九十二个字,竟有多处失实。特别严重的是把《喻培伦大将军纪念馆》几个字的书写者国防部长张爱萍, This year, Neijiang City, there have been some serious misconduct news reports. Propaganda Department of Neijiang Municipal Party Committee specially issued a document on this issue and demanded that the city’s journalists and the vast numbers of correspondents resolutely uphold the principle of authenticity of news reports. According to the Propaganda Department of Neijiang Propaganda Department listed in the relevant documents listed in the material, the city owned capital County Comrade Hu Qingyou written by “General Yu Peilun memorial hall in Neijiang City, completed” message (published in March 7 this year, “People’s Political Consultative Conference reported ”There are several newspapers, Taiwan has also published, broadcast) the full text only two hundred and ninety-two words, as many as untrue. Particularly serious is the “General Yu Peilun Memorial Hall,” a few words written by the Secretary of Defense Zhang Aiping,
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