关注“空巢老人” 树立科学养生观

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随着农村富余劳动力向城镇转移就业的速度加快,目前我国65岁以上的农村留守老人近2000万,80%的留守老人依靠自己的劳力自养,但从事农业生产或其他副业的劳动收入,往往仅能满足其基本生活需求。子女外出务工对留守老人的影响是整体的、负面的。很多留守老人除承受沉重的劳动负担外,还要肩负抚养孙辈的压力。农村留守老人患病的比例很高,不少人疾病缠身。虽然子女务工带来家庭收入提高,加之新农合的实施,农村就医条件有所改善,但总体来说仍处于较低水平,留守老人普遍存在“小病扛,大病拖”的现象。所以,留守老人的身体健康与否是一个家庭生存状态的晴雨表。为了使老人得以安享晚年,免除在外子女的后顾之忧,老人的健康是每个家庭的重中之重,应该成为家庭每位成员的首要顾念。在九九重阳节来临之际,让我们一起学习,改变不良的生活习惯,建立文明健康的生活方式,积极预防疾病的发生。本期特辑纳了一组老年养生保健的文章,希望能给予读者朋友以帮助。 With the rapid transfer of surplus rural labor to cities and towns, the number of left-behind elderly people aged 65 and above in our country is currently nearly 20 million. 80% of the left-behind elderly rely on their own labor for self-support. However, the labor income for agricultural production or other sideline occupations is often Only to meet their basic needs of life. The impact of children migrant workers on left-behind elderly people is holistic and negative. Many of the left-behind elderly people have to bear the pressure of raising their grandchildren in addition to the heavy labor burden. The proportion of elderly people left behind in rural areas is high, many people are sick and ill. Although the increase in family income brought by child laborers and the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system have improved the medical conditions in rural areas, they are still at a relatively low level as a whole. The phenomenon of “minor sickness and catastrophic illness” prevails among left-behind elderly people. Therefore, the physical health of left-behind elderly is a barometer of the living conditions of families. In order to enable the elderly to enjoy their old age and to avoid the worries of their children, the health of the elderly is a top priority of every family and should be the primary concern of every family member. On the occasion of the coming of Chung Yeung Festival, let us learn together, change bad living habits, establish a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and actively prevent the occurrence of diseases. This issue contains a collection of elderly health care articles, hoping to give readers a friend to help.
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【摘要】由于种种原因,大学生英语课堂的现状通常是由老师作为演说者,学生作为听众,学生对英语口语课堂的参与度不高,甚至面对老师的提问会产生集体沉默。本文从分析课堂沉默现象的原因出发,提出了一系列英语课堂活动设计方式,旨在打破大学生英语口语沉默现象。  【关键词】课堂活动 课堂沉默 英语口语  一、大学生英语口语沉默现象简述  1.课堂沉默概念解读。在语言学中,沉默通常指与言语相对的,静默无语超过一定