
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chamlea
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Background.Eccrine porocarcinoma (EP) is a rare malignant tumour arising in the acrosyringium, with about 50%of the cases developing local recurrence or metastatic disease.No standard therapy protocols for metastatic disease exist.In the past, only short remissions were achieved by applying combinations of cytotoxic agents, which were associated with severe side-effects.Aim of the study.In the case reported here, the aim was to find a protocol with fewer side-effects for a patient who was not willing to undergo extensive polychemotherapy.Subject.A 67-year-old male patient with local recurrence and regional lymph node metastases after resection of EP was treated with a combination of interferon-alpha (IFN-α) 9 million units s.c.three times per week and paclitaxel 100 mg/m2 weekly i.v., which shows a side-effect profile similar to taxotere and is used in the treatment of a variety of neoplasms such as advanced squamous cell carcinoma.Main outcome.This less aggressive treatment was tolerated well and the patient responded with minor remission and long-term stable disease. Background. Eccrine porocarcinoma (EP) is a rare malignant arising arising in the acrosyringium, with about 50% of the cases developing local recurrence or metastatic disease. No standard therapy protocols for metastatic disease exist. The past, only short remissions were achieved by by applying combinations of cytotoxic agents, which were associated with severe side-effects. Aim of the study. in the case reported here, the aim was to find a protocol with fewer side-effects for a patient who was not willing to carry extensive plasticinechemotherapy. Subject. A 67-year-old male patient with local recurrence and regional lymph node metastases after resection of EP was treated with a combination of interferon-alpha (IFN-a) 9 million units scthree times per week and paclitaxel 100 mg / m2 weekly iv, which shows a side-effect profile similar to taxotere and is used in the treatment of a variety of neoplasms such as advanced squamous cell carcinoma. Main outcome. This less aggressive treatment was toler ated well and the patient responded with minor remission and long-term stable disease.
刻画人物,方法多样,其中对动作描写的偏好,可以说是任何一个作家都不例外的。高尔基认为,写人物要多行动少说话。老舍曾说,只有描写行动,人物才能站起来。当代心理学家们认为,人的内心是看不见摸不着的,只有动作才是真实可靠的。动作的确是透视人物心理的多棱镜。那么,怎样写好人物的动作呢?  一、要抓住动作特征描写。在特定的环境下,人物的动作具有相应的特征。我们要仔细地观察,抓住这些特征。我们常说:“行动从思
产品名称LDPE规格 02742 10一61 12A一11 150A产地产品名称规格F401J3O4K7726K8303兀Z}叱单价70007600760072002 IO2TN26/TBA 1 30E一84271 3500P942112500R200P9750EBIOI一1
本文报导以甲醛为原料,氯化钠为支持电解质,在水溶液中,以石墨为阴极,选择合适的条件,通过甲醛电化学合成乙二醇的实验结果。 In this paper, we report the experimental r
选用7 种高效、广谱抗蠕虫药物进行了体外抑制猪囊尾蚴作用研究,结果表明磺苯咪唑、硫苯咪唑、氟苯咪唑、三苯双脒、丙硫咪唑和吡喹酮均有抑制猪囊尾蚴作用,而伊维菌素无抑制猪
也许他生来就与桥和路有缘。陆健从他走出校门参加工作的第一天起,就没跟桥和路脱过一天钩。 六十年代初,铁道部大桥局来宿迁招工,由于这项工作十分艰苦,当初招工条件象招兵