An Image Filter for Eliminating Impulse Noise Based on Fuzzy Sets

来源 :微计算机信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyzhanhun
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Fuzzy set theory, comparing with some other theories, can provide us with knowledge-based and robust tools for image processing. By computing the fuzziness of the pixels’corrupted degree and taking corresponding filter parameters, a new image filter for impulse noise is presented in this paper. Comparing with the median filter, which is excellent for removing impulse noise, this new filter is more effective. In the end, simulation results show that the new algorithm is feasible. Fuzzy set theory, comparing with some other theories, can provide us with knowledge-based and robust tools for image processing. By computing the fuzziness of the pixels’corrupted degree and taking corresponding filter parameters, a new image filter for impulse noise is presented in this paper. Comparing with the median filter, which is excellent for removing impulse noise, this new filter is more effective. In the end, simulation results show that the new algorithm is feasible.
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