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自命不凡的个别人常常称那些不起眼的普通老百姓为“草木之人”,其义是借草木的轻贱比喻人之平凡。实际上草木并不象某些人眼中所视,真就那么不值一提。不妨就清水河县这个穷山区试举几例。贺玉堂——带头种草以牧促农王桂窑公社解放大队党支部书记贺玉堂,多年来带领全队社员一直坚持种草养畜,以牧促农,社员生活一天天好起来。过去的解放大队,人们说它是“不毛之地”,这话一点儿不假。可是近几年来,这个大队把荒山荒坡全部划拨给社员种树种草,全队牧草可利用面积达到二千六百亩,户均十二点七亩,畜均零点五四亩,他们还种植了灌木——柠条八千亩。现在,这个大队大 Individuals who pretentiously often call ordinary people who are modest ordinary people as “people of vegetation,” whose meaning is borrowed from the light and cheap metaphor of man and man. In fact, vegetation is not as some people think in the eyes, so it is not worth mentioning. May wish to Qingshuihe County this poor mountain area to try a few cases. He Yutang - take the lead in grazing to promote agriculture Wang Guiyao commune Liberation Brigade Party branch secretary He Yutang, over the years led all members of the team has always insisted farming grass and animal husbandry, animal husbandry, members of the daily life better. The liberation brigade of the past, people say it is “barren land”, these words are not false. However, in recent years, the brigade has allocated all the barren hills and slopes to the members for planting trees and grasses. The grazing area of ​​the grasses in the entire village has reached 2,600 mu, an average of 12.7 mu and an average of 0.48 mu Also planted shrubs - Caragana eight thousand acres. Now, this brigade is big
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