
来源 :江苏农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liubmhz
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徐州地区农科所二十多年里先后育成栗子香、新大紫、丰收白、徐薯一八等甘薯新品种并广泛应用于生产。年推广面积最大的达1500万亩。与此同时,还向兄弟单位提供育种中间材料。通过协作育成一批新品种,如正在徐州地区推广的群力二号等。另外筛选出一批特殊优良性状的品种(系),如品质优良的栗子香,抗根腐病强的71-236、徐941。特别是高产抗病品种徐薯一八育成以后,不仅提高了产量,还在一定程度上解决了甘薯根腐病区的品种问题。自1976年育成后1980年推广面积达700万亩,获农业部技术改进一等奖。1981年据黄淮、华北、华中等六省一市的不完全统计达1220万亩,预计1982年将达1800万亩以上。总结我所多年来育种经验,加速甘薯新品种的选育和推广速度必须抓好如下三个环节: Xuzhou regional agricultural institute for more than two decades has bred chestnut incense, the new big purple, harvest white, sweet potatoes and other sweet potato new varieties and widely used in production. Year to promote the largest area of ​​15 million mu. In the meantime, breeders’ intermediaries were also provided to the fraternal units. Through collaboration to cultivate a number of new varieties, such as being promoted in Xuzhou Qunli 2 and so on. In addition, a batch of varieties (lines) with special excellent traits were screened out, such as good chestnut incense, strong anti-root rot 71-236 and Xu 941. Especially the high-yielding and disease-resistant cultivars Xushu 18 breeding, not only increased the yield, but also to some extent, solve the sweet potato root rot area varieties. Since it was bred in 1976 and popularized in 1980, it has an area of ​​7 million hectares and was awarded the first prize of technical improvement by the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1981, according to the incomplete statistics of Huanghuai, North China and Central China in six provinces and one city, they reached 12.2 million mu and it is estimated that they will reach 18 million mu in 1982. Summary of my years of breeding experience, speed up the selection and promotion of new varieties of sweet potato speed must grasp the following three aspects:
一、试验方法地膜棉和露地棉根系观察在地膜覆盖效应试验区内进行。棉花宽窄行种植,宽行2.4尺,窄行1.2尺,双行覆盖, 覆盖度58.3%。 First, the test method Mulberry cotto
一、引言 1974年英国的Mamdanl教授,根据Zadeh教授的模糊理论,提出了模糊控制器的概念,并在一个小型蒸汽发动机上进行了实验研究,取得了令人满意的控制效果,开发了模糊控制
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