认识先进性 保持先进性

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2004年11月4日至6日,国家外汇管理局机关在革命圣地福建古田举办了保持共产党员先进性教育支部书记培训班。在开班仪式上,局党组成员、副局长兼机关党委书记李东荣就保持共产党员先进性教育作了题为《认识先进性,保持先进性》动员讲话,武瑞林副书记主持开班仪式。通过参观学习,大家对古田革命斗争的光辉历程和毛泽东、朱德、陈毅等老一辈无产阶级革命家为我党我军建设所作出的丰功伟绩有了切身的感受,对毛泽东起草的《古田会议决议》、对“党指挥枪”的原则有了更深刻的感悟,身心在革命摇篮和圣地的清新空气中得到了净化,思想在对革命斗争的回顾中得到了升华。这期培训班达到了预期的目标,取得了意想不到的收获和效果。大家对这次培训的各方面工作给予了充分的肯定和鼓励,并称之为是我局党建工作的一次创新。 From November 4 to November 4, 2004, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange held a training course for education branch secretaries who maintained the advanced nature of party members at the ancient site of the revolutionary shrine in Gutian, Fujian Province. At the opening ceremony, Li Dongrong, Member of Bureau Party Group and Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Authority, made a mobilization speech titled “Understanding Advancedness and Maintaining Advancedness” on the education of the advanced nature of Party members. Wu Ruilin, deputy secretary of the Party, presided over the opening ceremony. Through visiting and studying, everyone had a personal experience of the glorious course of the Gutian revolutionary struggle and the great achievements made by the older proletariat revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De and Chen Yi for the construction of our party and our army. On the “Gutian Conference Resolution” drafted by Mao Zedong, , Had a deeper understanding of the principle of “the command of the party and guided the gun.” Body and mind were purified in the fresh air of the revolutionary cradle and the Holy Land. The thought was sublimated in its review of the revolutionary struggle. This training course met the expected goals and achieved unexpected results and effects. We fully affirmed and encouraged all aspects of the training and called it an innovation in our party’s party building work.
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同志们: 今天,我们在这里召开一年一度的湖南省建设工程质量安全监督管理工作会议。首先我代表省建设厅向光临会议的常德市政府等部门的领导表示热烈欢迎,向来自全省建设行政主