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在布干维尔岛(Bougainville Island)上,位于克让王子山脉(Crown Prince Ran-ge)西麓的布干维尔铜矿的铜精矿是用泵扬送27公里,输送到艾纳瓦湾(Anewa Bay)的滤过和干燥工厂,进行运往海外前的制备和贮存工作的。输送前,浓缩了的精矿矿浆要经过试验环管,校验其浓度和pH值是否符合主管道输送的要求。布干维尔管道是世界上第一个高压头、长距离用泵扬送的铜精矿系统。对卧式往复泵和离心式泵进行了广泛而缜密地研究后,选择了立式柱塞泵用以扬送矿浆。管道的起点标高为631米,渐升到最高点1006米,再降到港口排矿端的标高45米。运行时扬送压力为9300Kpa。矿浆在港口过滤干燥,並在两次装船的间隙內贮存。精矿经过两套全自动静态秤量系统运出时取最终试样。装载系统包括一个固定的的承重结构,在其上装有一个可伸缩的格子梁悬臂。在装载时船被牵引靠码头停泊。这套系统的装备详情和运行技术可参看运行和设计轨范,这里只概述了所遇到的问题和克服问题的方法。 On Bougainville Island, the copper concentrate at the Bougainville Copper Mine in the western foot of the Crown Prince Ran-ge is pumped 27 kilometers and delivered to Anewa Bay Bay) filtration and drying plant for preparation and storage prior to shipment to overseas. Prior to delivery, the concentrated concentrate slurry passes through the test loop to verify that its concentration and pH are in accordance with the requirements of the main pipeline. The Bougainville pipeline is the world’s first high-pressure, long-distance copper concentrate delivered by a pump. After extensive and careful research on horizontal reciprocating pumps and centrifugal pumps, a vertical piston pump was chosen to feed the slurry. Pipeline starting elevation of 631 meters, rising to the highest point of 1006 meters, and then dropped to the port of discharge elevation of 45 meters. Run-up to send pressure to 9300Kpa. The slurry is filtered and dried at the port and stored in the space between two loadings. Concentrate after two sets of automatic static weighing system shipped out the final sample. The loading system consists of a fixed load-bearing structure with a retractable lattice beam cantilever. The vessel was towed docked at dock during loading. Details of the system and operation of the system can be found in the operation and design of the program, here only outlined the problems encountered and methods to overcome the problem.
一、概述 1.实测的意义:摇床和跳汰机工作效果的好坏,影响因素很多,重要因素之一是它们的运动规律:位移曲线,速度曲线和加速度曲线。运动曲线可以用图解或其它方法由床头机
我厂本着自力更生精神,因陋就简,试制了一台比较简易的单机凿岩台车。 通过几个月的试用,这种台车(支架)在井下使用效果较好,轴向推力较大,凿岩速度快,动作比较平稳、灵活、