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回顾上个世纪世界石油市场的发展史,当属从第二次世界大战结束到七十年代末的这段时期最为波澜壮阔:全球石油产量的高速增长、产油国收回石油主权的斗争、两次石油危机对世界经济的震荡、国家石油公司的发展壮大、巨头石油公司垄断实力的削弱等等。整个世界石油经济旧秩序被完全打破,这个时期的世界石油工业的基本特点是在大动荡、大改组中继续波浪式发展,并逐渐形成统一的石油大市场。在这样一个“石油大革命”的时代里,六十年代的世界石油市场具有自身的特点,它既不同于五十年代的传统格局,又不像七十年代那样剧烈动荡,这是处于过渡的时期。一切变革的种子在此时开始萌动,不断生长。因此,对这个时段世界石油市场的考察,可以使我们更清楚地了解世界石油经济新格局的演变过程。 Recalling the history of the development of the world oil market in the last century, it was undoubtedly the most spectacular period from the end of the Second World War to the late 1970s: the rapid growth of global oil production and the struggle of oil-producing countries to regain their oil sovereignty. The turmoil in the world economy caused by the oil crisis, the growth and development of the state oil companies, the weakening of the monopoly power of the giant oil companies, and so on. The entire world oil economy was completely broken by the old order. The basic characteristics of the world oil industry during this period were the continued wave-like development in the turmoil and major restructuring and the gradual formation of a unified oil market. In this era of “oil revolution”, the world oil market in the 1960s had its own characteristics. It was different from the traditional pattern of the 1950s and was not as turbulent as the seventies. It was in transition Period. All the seeds of change began to germinate at this time, growing. Therefore, an examination of the world oil market during this period will give us a clearer understanding of the evolution of a new pattern in the world oil economy.
【摘要】GORGON项目作为澳大利亚LNG开发项目,管线建造施工中,由于施工工艺造成不锈钢管道内焊口出现锈迹,常规清洗无法满足要求。采用浸泡化学清洗与脉冲吹扫相结合的工艺,满足了施工清洁指标。   【关键词】柔性连接的管道接头 浸泡清洗 脉冲吹扫   1 前言   LNG开发项目的油气输送管道,对于不锈钢管线防腐的要求尤其严格,即使局部的锈迹腐蚀都将极大缩短管线的使用寿命。在GORGON项目管线建